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How many planets would leave the republic of haven?

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Re: How many planets would leave the republic of haven?
Post by Captain Golding   » Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:14 am

Captain Golding
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Posts: 59
Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:55 am

I wonder what influence Grayson will have on some of those planets? Thanks to Honour the Hades surviours had the chance to settle in her Steading or join the Protector's own and a lot of the recently conquested planets would have had significant public and military figures on Hades.

Sure lines of commerce will have a big influence on the viability of some planets independance - so I could see some near Trevour's Star leaning towards Manticore as the liberating force. Others towards Erewon on the southern border.

Of course those of to the North and East are currently out in the cold without trade through Haven but also a long way from the action. So Going independant and refusing to support the GA may well be a viable option out there.

Coming back to Grayson - what will their peacetime role be? I suspect there is an area between Manticore and Haven that their Navy will now be responsible for patrolling and diplomatically picking up trade relationships with some of those newly independant planets would be an economic advantage. Those Hades survivors will of course be a big help with establishing those connections.

Captain Golding.
Re: How many planets would leave the republic of haven?
Post by akira.taylor   » Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:46 pm

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Duckk wrote:The infodump is down still, but there was a post in there that covers this. Basically, all the major powerhouses chose to stick with the Republic, as most of them were daughter colonies of Haven to begin with. A fair number of secondary and tertiary systems, especially those that were recent conquests, did choose to go their own way. But even that number is lower than one might expect, due to how tirelessly Theisman and Prichart worked to demonstrate how the Republic was different from the People's Republic.

Part of his point was the amount of fighting the Republic did to liberate many member systems (the war with separatists and remnants of State Security/the Peeps lasted four or five years - and superdreadnaughts fought major engagements on a regular basis during that). I think the comment was something about blood and treasure spent?
Re: How many planets would leave the republic of haven?
Post by Captain Golding   » Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:14 am

Captain Golding
Lieutenant (Senior Grade)

Posts: 59
Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:55 am

Which also brings up the doubts. Sure those being controlled by Sec State hold outs will be happy with the Pritchard reguime. Those who were in the control of sepratist movements could well view things differently and would still be looking for a home rule solution. If their pre-takover political leadership was freed from Hades this could well strengthen any independance movements with a Grayson/Manticore bias.

Now if the anthology that is "Mostly complete" can get completed we might well see some new textev on what's going on out there. :lol:

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