cthia wrote:Yet another facet of chaos caused by illegal aliens in this country.
And, let's get something straight. They are "illegal" first. "Undocumented" second. It is illegal for companies to knowingly hire illegals. If they do, there are repercussions across the board that I spoke of in previous posts.
Why can't they go through the system the right way, so innocent hard working Americans and companies don't get screwed in holes they didn't even know existed. Is it too much to ask?
What I am trying to say is that you have to deal with the situation as it is, and not some vision of what it should be if only some policy or actions had been different in the past.
For example, it was/is clear that HIV spread rapidly in the male gay community first because of some extremely promiscuous practices. That was something that I personally think to be wrong. However just stating that over and over did nothing to help contain the outbreak.
Instead, in the UK, the govt chose to treat it as a medical health issue, with sensible guidance, and practical policies to help people get free treatment rather then being gays being shunned, pilloried or persecuted.
Interestingly this was under a Tory gov, so I wouldn't normally sing their praises! The Health Secretary, Norman Fowler, pushed this thru, as a pragmatic measure, despite a measure of opposition from the PM Margaret Thatcher.
As a result it was brought under control in the UK.