Now I understand why people drink coffee. I now even understand why they take it straight up, no sugar, no cream. Perhaps they need a stiff drink, something strong, like I do now, but perhaps they don't drink, like I don't. Or it's too early in the day, or they're out and about. But I digress, at any rate, somebody poor me a drink! Make it a double!!
I've covered illegal aliens before, beginning here, again, another one of my sister's pet peeves. I generally steer clear of these discussions because foreigners need too much handholding and remedial classes to connect the dots. Even when a post is laid down that provides the tools to connect the dots, they still fail to do so. Because! Foreigners don't want to connect the dots. They don't want the truth. Perhaps because they can't handle the truth. Plus, to make matters worse... even a foreigner's disconnect... is totally disconnected.
Upon entering an emergency room, you must see a receptionist. If you are not in the system and you can provide no insurance there is a high probability you are illegal. They ask you for your medical history, etc. Much of those seemingly annoying questions isn't to harass you, as many may feel at the time. Doctors need as much info about you as they can get to properly treat you. If the system has absolutely nothing on you -- visits to other hospitals, emergency rooms, no contacts, etc., -- there's a chance you are illegal. Whether the receptionist/hospital actually knows the truth about your illegal status is besides the point if being illegal results in you waiting.
Plus, if your papers are not in order, more time has to be spent on you putting you in the system and getting some background on your health. Resulting in more time the doctor has to spend on you too, in an ER where time is of the essence, where other people are waiting to be seen. Stressing the system.
Now, let's connect a few other dots. Dots you refuse to connect yourself. In America, lawsuits tend to be huge. Lawsuits are not capped here as they are in many other countries. In many countries, suing isn't even an option in many cases. Not only are businesses and Pharmas afraid, (therefore cautious and take precautions against it), so too are doctors. At any point in administering care to a patient, a doctor can be sued. Do you think a doctor wants to risk being sued over a patient who is illegal? If the patient is illegal, then the doctor's malpractice insurance may not pay out if he has to make a call that results in death. It won't pay out if he's a young doctor who cannot afford the insane premiums on an all encompassing plan. It is the same sort of mess illegal aliens cause all over America. Accidents involving illegal aliens ensnare Americans in the bureaucratic red tape. I mentioned before in the above link, where an American lost his leg in a forklift accident caused by an illegal alien at the wheel. The company insurance didn't pay. It didn't cover illegal aliens.
Doctors are bound by the Hippocratic Oath. If they see a patient, the doctor will attempt, something. I'll go out on a limb and give the benefit of the doubt that it will even be done out of, and with, true compassion. But should they have to choose between their livelihood and "treating a stick of dynamite?" * It is the receptionists job to screen patients. She is bound by no such oath. Essentially, she's paid to be the heavy.
Also, do you think it's fair that an illegal alien (who has no insurance) be seen and treated ahead of an American, who has no insurance? Now factor in Americans who do have insurance. Should illegal aliens be seen ahead of them?
At any rate, should America take on the health costs of the millions of illegal aliens? Perhaps we should just stop playing games and enter Mexico and treat the entire population? After all, you point out our system is hemorrhaging, so your proposal makes sense to me.
Illegal aliens are part of the hemorrhage in this country. You agree that we've got to start helping AMERICANS. We can begin that process by getting illegals out of line.
Then we have to contend with the strategy of illegals once they enter the country. Free government assistance. Soup kitchens, food stamps, free medical care, housing, etc.
Food Stamps. The Food Stamp program and all free government assistance programs reward by number in household, which motivates illegals to have as many kids as possible. These kids need to be cared for by our healthcare system. And, since they are born here, they are citizens.
I'm waiting for the time pregnant illegals will begin using all means possible to set foot on American soil then induce labor. Did the framers of the Constitution foresee this mess?
* These facts are similar to the hidden ugly truths that I spoke of before. They are plaguing our system across the board. Not just the Pharmas. BTW, I wasn't exactly bashing Pharmas like one person thought. Foreigners automatically hear "criminal activity" when they hear "ugly truths."
I was simply accepting the reality that corruption has found its way into everything. But, one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch.