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Dead Horses - Discussion

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Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:59 pm

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Loren Pechtel wrote:While pulsars are very useful for locating what star you're around I don't believe they are good enough to rival GPS in accuracy--and that's what you need to shoot with.

The system's own emissions are sufficient for that. There must be a beacon or two in the system for ships to orient themselves when manoeuvring or docking, like VOR for aeroplanes. Use that.

Even if that is absent, just pick up transmissions. You know what frequencies the transmissions are supposed to be using, so if you calculate the Doppler shift, you can tell how fast the transmitter is moving towards you or away from you. If you can identify two transmitters whose positions you know (on the surface of a planet or moon), you can easily tell your position relative to those and thus to the rest of the system with reasonable accuracy.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by kzt   » Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:35 am

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You translate in. You locate the system primary trivially, it’s that really bright thing. You have a model as to where you expected it to be, is it there? If not, what is the error? Ok, now that you think you know roughly where you are go find the planets. You have a very accurate model where they should be, so go look.

While you do this you find the 10 or so x-ray sources that you like to use. They are essentially infinitely far away, so you plot where the directions intersect. How accurately you can measure this is how accurately you can locate yourself. And in the honorverse I’d expect that is very accurate indeed.

So you can also see the primary and a number of planets. You can now verify you location by using them to plot your location. Does everything agree? Does the solar spectrum red-shift match the calculated velocity vector?

It’s OK if your location is off by a km or two, though I’d expect a lot less. Like a few meters. You should be able to trivially acquire the orbital target optically. If it isn’t exactly where you predict it to be then you are screwed and should go home. You now know where you and the target are. You can predict where it and you will be at some arbitrary moment in the future with a very high degree of accuracy.

The issue now comes down to the pointing accuracy of your weapons. But you know that and can calculate how many shots it will take to strike a target of size y at x million km and how to most effectively accomplish that. You now proceed to do that, firing the predicted number of pulses to produce the level of damage you want at whatever level of statistical confidence you want. Now you go home and wait to hear if you were successful.

And of course to express your total shock at this dastardly deed.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by Joat42   » Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:43 am


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Loren Pechtel wrote:While pulsars are very useful for locating what star you're around I don't believe they are good enough to rival GPS in accuracy--and that's what you need to shoot with.

The math says otherwise, it's just not practicable with our current tech but doable (using multiple radio-telescopes).

There are some caveats though, you need a good profile for each pulsar measured over several years as a baseline for the calculations. With GPS it's trivial since the signal contains a timestamp.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:19 pm

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n7axw wrote:This is a thread for beating on dead horses...right... :twisted:


fallsfromtrees wrote:And has indeed turned into a thread engaging in necrotic equine abuse

TFLYTSNBN wrote:You mean "equine necrophilia"?

No - that woul be loving dead horses - no flogging them

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:44 am


Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by Galactic Sapper   » Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:26 pm

Galactic Sapper
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fallsfromtrees wrote:No - that woul be loving dead horses - no flogging them

Flogging them? I thought we were throwing red root vegetables at them.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by phillies   » Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:16 pm


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TFLYTSNBN wrote:With a phased array graser, you could adjust the beam width to ensure hitting the target while maintaining enough energy density to damage the target. Think of focusing the beam on a MagLite flashlight.

It depends what power density you need. If max focus us required, you can't do what you are proposing.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by Loren Pechtel   » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:01 am

Loren Pechtel
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ThinksMarkedly wrote:
Loren Pechtel wrote:While pulsars are very useful for locating what star you're around I don't believe they are good enough to rival GPS in accuracy--and that's what you need to shoot with.

The system's own emissions are sufficient for that. There must be a beacon or two in the system for ships to orient themselves when manoeuvring or docking, like VOR for aeroplanes. Use that.

Even if that is absent, just pick up transmissions. You know what frequencies the transmissions are supposed to be using, so if you calculate the Doppler shift, you can tell how fast the transmitter is moving towards you or away from you. If you can identify two transmitters whose positions you know (on the surface of a planet or moon), you can easily tell your position relative to those and thus to the rest of the system with reasonable accuracy.

Disagree. Plenty of precision to head where you need to go, nowhere near enough precision to fire a graser from outside the hyper limit.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by kzt   » Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:37 am

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Loren Pechtel wrote:Disagree. Plenty of precision to head where you need to go, nowhere near enough precision to fire a graser from outside the hyper limit.

With Honorverse tech you can make telescopes that are arbitrarily powerful. So verifying your calculations is easy enough. You figure out where you are and then you aim a telescope where you expect to see your target right now. If it isn't sitting in the middle of your FoV your solution is bad in some way.

Basically the issue is how precisely and accurately can you locate and measure your reference points. When it plots the bearing lines the size of the box it produces tells you how accurate your location is. A series of fixes gives you a vector. If they are accurate it will give you an accurate vector.

For this the box better be pretty accurate, or at worst half the size of the shortest target. The less accurate you are the more shooting you should expect to do. I should be able to figure out how accurate that measurement has to be, but I'm too tired right now.
Re: Sticky for Newbs - Dead Horses
Post by lightningstar519   » Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:21 am


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Not to flog a dead horse, but I totally agree that grav lances are an impractical and inefficient weapon system that has no place in any space battle.
However, I think it would be clever if the application of grav lance tech helped make a breakthrough with impeller systems, for eg with the spider drive. Aren't they applications of similar technology ie focussing impeller wedges into varied shapes? I hope with Foraker and Hemphill in Bolthole, the Grand Alliance might see the new applications of grav lance tech, with both having the missing pieces of the puzzle to crack the spider drive.
Even if this case isn't feasible, hopefully the 20-year time skip until the next novel (can't wait for it!) will mean more tech breakthroughs on the scale of Apollo and which will not be nerfed like Mycroft was just to create an artificial vulnerability that the Mesan Alignment again managed to exploit. (I thought Mycroft didn't have the vulnerabilities of Moriarty where the missile control platforms could be identified while starting up. The Mesans did basically the same thing that Manticore did in Suarez and Lovat for Operation Sanskrit, only in the Beowulf System).

Theemile wrote:Conversation Topic: Grav Lances - aka The Weapon that should not be Named (TWTSNBN)

Common Post: Posters are positing new uses for a Grav Lances or advanced Grav Lances

Discussion Outcome: David has been inundated by so many ideas for Grav Lances that the device has pretty much been dropped from the series.

The use of the Grav Lance on the Courageous was not new, the device already had existed for years and normally was installed on Capital ships which had the spare mass to carry a system like the Grav Lance which had little chance of being used. The new concept was to mount it on a small hull, which could turn the ship into a Captal ship killer. In production, this was intended to be a CA, but the only available testbed at the time was the soon to be retired CL, the Courageous. Unfortunately, the tests showed that the idea was a 1 trick pony – after it worked the first time, any possible light ship which looked like it was about to attempt such a maneuver was hammered by every opposing capital ship.

It must be noted, the Grav Lance is not a weapon system. It is an engineering system that uses a ship's wedge to temporarily destabilize and drop the sidewall of an opposing ship. An additional weapons system must then be used to damage/destroy the opposing ship – in the case of the Courageous, this was an array of energy torpedoes, which otherwise would have been useless against sidewalls.

The Grav Lance requires the drive system of a hull of about 85Ktons at a minimum to function – it cannot work without all the hardware necessary to generate the ship’s wedge. It also has a max range of less than 150,000 KM –less than ½ the range of an energy torpedo, 1/4rd the range of Lasers, 1/8th the range of Grasers. Any ship attempting to use them had to survive through missile range and 85% of energy range to do so. In Honorverse Naval terms, this is the equivalent of knife fighting in a (small) coat closet.

Manticorian miniaturization and research since 1900 has not overall affected the above stats. It cannot be placed on a significantly smaller hull, it cannot have a noticeably longer range, it will never do physical damage on its own, it will never drop a warship’s wedge. Manticore did not launch the intended CA class with the Lances, did not install lances in any SD(p) classes and removed the lances from some of the existing capital ship classes in refits over the years as it simply was never used as energy battles became rarer and rarer in combat.

Because of the above, The Grav Lance will never be placed on an economical mine, will never be placed in a reasonably sized missile, and will never be mounted on a LAC. It will never destroy ships on it’s own. It will never have millions of KM’s of range. It probably will never be used in combat again.

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