ThinksMarkedly wrote:cthia wrote:Aside: Can anyone remember why Fearless herself was chosen to be a testbed for the grav lance? Was it her age, availability, or some quirk of CL's in general?
I ask because, if a CA was used and raped, it would still retain the firepower of at least a CL?
IIRC, from discussions on TWTSNBN, a CL was the smallest ship that could power a grav lance, a destroyer being too small. Since that was only a prototype that probably half the fleet thought would go nowhere, they didn't give Hemphill anything larger. Fearless was 80 years old and served almost no further purpose. It if it hadn't been for the grav lance mods, she would have been decommissioned.
Thanks. And, of course, she wasn't supposed to see any action.
I was simply curious if a CA had been used, if she'd at least retain the firepower of a CL, instead of a CL being reduced to the firepower of a destroyer. Survivability notwithstanding.
Of course, not being a techie, I could be way off about the firepower she still had.