Dauntless wrote:don't believe it was ever stated that Warlock was young's first command, though even with his connections I have a hard time believing his poor abilities would have been ignored if he screwed up command of a smaller ship.
Though to be fair providing he never saw combat his skills were merely poor, so a very good XO likely made sure the ship ran well enough that his total unsuitably to be master after god of a RMN ship was missed/ignored.
also to be fair against the average pirate he probably would have held his nerve, it was only when he was in a serious fight and at very real risk of death that his nerve broke.
as to how he got a heavy cruiser? the power of the north hollow files
or the first space lord needed something big for the navy and agreeing to give young a command of a CA was the price that had to be paid.
I don't recall it being stated, but likewise per your sentiment, I can't believe any command he'd have would be forgettable, or failed to leave a nasty taste in the Admiralty's mouth. And during the time the Admiralty was yoyoing Young's ass to prevent Warlock from returning to Basilisk to hamper Honor, they never brought up any other command and they surely discussed him with disdain. Just like if he'd gotten another command after Warlock, there's no way his command of Warlock wouldn't have been brought up.
He probably would hold his nerve against pirates if he'd bother to engage them, rather than leaving it to someone else. And if he did bother, I can't believe he wouldn't screw that up too, somehow. Like firing on them from as far as possible without giving a chance to surrender.