The text focus for the Arcanan recovery spells was the possibility of them being used to locate Fifty Ulthar and the other mutineers. But couldn't those spells also allow Healer Maisyl to scout for Arcanan troops within 40 or 50 miles of his location (the stated range he could activate the spells)? This assumes that activating the spells does not alert the troops in the area, which seems likely for unSkilled troops (but perhaps less likely for a Skilled trooper).
To be useful, it would also be necessary for Maisyl to be able to use the spells periodically to repeat his 'scouting' - perhaps not every hour, but at least daily. And it might not be too helpful for avoiding air assets, as it would be useless against griffins and requiring a very high frequency for piloted dragons. But Ulthar's 'recon crystal specialist' Javelin Rohsahk, can assist with dragon detection duties.
Those assets might provide Velvelig et al an opportunity to scout somewhat aggressively into the Hell's Gate universe or at least support a close picket on the portal from Hell's Gate to their current unnamed universe. Platoon-captains Arthag & chan Baskay had kept a loose picket (some hours of travel into the unnamed universe) on the portal previously, but the additional assets Velvelig's group added (the Arcanans plus Distance Viewer chan Byral) could make other options possible.