cthia wrote:But you do take it into consideration. That's exactly why Eloise was able to dangle the carrot of an alliance under Beth's nose. So that her navy could "save the rest of those god-awful missiles" for a misbehaving gorilla, or for anyone else out there for that matter.
It's at least a subconscious consideration. You still must be able to protect your Home System after a war, or someone may smell death from a dying or injured carcass like a vulture flying overhead.
Much like a gorilla smelling the blood pouring out of your deep wounds from Oyster Bay.
That was the Apollo-equipped RMN in 1921. I also think the RHN could hold its own against the SLN at the time. I put the divider at the moment those navies got a sufficient number of their SD(P)s and MDMs: RMN and GSN in 1915, RHN in 1919 and IAN sometime in 1921. If you can hit your enemy from well outside its range, it can't fight you back. At one point in the later books, someone in the GSN (don't remember who) emits the opinion that the Yeltsin Star's System could defend itself against 1000 SDs -- and I suspect those were their own SD(P)s.
That was not the case for the the PRN or RHN in 1915 at the end of the first war or at any point before. Even at its peak, which probably happened just before Operation Buttercup in 1914, the PRN could not successfully defend against the SLN if the SLN decided to invade the Haven system. Sure, if it massed 700 of its SDs there, it would cause horrendous losses to the SLN -- I'm sure the SLN would first come with 400 SDs armed with a lot of arrogance and then see them all annihilated. The second assault would capture Nouveau Paris.
So I reiterate my point: until you have hundreds of thousands of system-defence pods with MDMs and a dozen squadrons of SD(P)s, your plan is to not provoke the SL to the point it would want to capture your home system. Haven could have got a way with a lot more because it would take at least a quarter of the Battle Fleet to do that. But it could not win after the first SLN SD got destroyed.