PeterZ wrote:Russia was an economic basket case before they became the USSR. They would have been better off liberalizing their economy and government instead of doubling down on centralized control.
Its a myth, unfortunately. The reality was much more grim. Russian Empire was incredibly backward by European standards, in some areas it was even behind the Spain (!!!). The government was corrupt, backward and incompetent, the population was dirt-poor and illiterate, the national business was weak and most of industry belonged to foreign corporations. And, sorry, but in real world there were no "enlightened, benevolent" capitalists around. The British and French capitalists were perfectly fine in squeezing Russia dry without any thinking about its interests.
Without some kind of rigid central control over economics, we simply would never be able to pull out of all this mess. Communists were simply the best out of worst solutions, but only the worst solutions were available.
Had Patton been allowed to continue Eastward at the tail end of WWII, he would have destroyed the USSR forces west of Russia propper.
Seriously... it just laughable. Not only the US forces in Europe were vastly numerically inferior to Soviet, but there were no US general with strategical experience & competence of Soviet military leaders by 1945.
I respect Allied military command greatly, but truth is, their strategical solutions were primitive by the Eastern Fronts standards. They never launched any operation on the scale of "Bagration", never ever tried to command such enormous number of troops simultaneously. It wasn't their fault, it was simply the lack of experience. Before 1944, Allies never deployed such large number of troops on such great frontlines. USSR done this routinely, and Soviet strategical solutions - like refined "Deep operation" conception - was much more advanced than anything Allies have in pockets.
P.S. Of course, in case of prolonged conflict, the USSR in 1945 was doomed. It simply was too exhausted to fight anymore, have no resources for prolonged fight against USA. But it would not save the US armies in Europe from quick destruction.