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BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!

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BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:41 pm



Weber took the advice of that NAMELESSFLY who so voiciferously advocated for equipping the BC(P)s with Keyhole 2 plarforms to support Apollo pods. It cost ammo capacity to stow the platform in the podcore, but it fits.

The Demonic Duo of Foraker - Hemphill also came up with using Hermes Buoys and Recon Drones for the BC(P)s that disnt had KH2.

Are Shannon and Sandra a couple? Enquiring minds want to know, and watch.
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by tlb   » Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:55 pm

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Weber took the advice of that NAMELESSFLY who so voiciferously advocated for equipping the BC(P)s with Keyhole 2 plarforms to support Apollo pods. It cost ammo capacity to stow the platform in the podcore, but it fits.

The Demonic Duo of Foraker - Hemphill also came up with using Hermes Buoys and Recon Drones for the BC(P)s that disnt had KH2.

Are Shannon and Sandra a couple? Enquiring minds want to know, and watch.

My guess is Shannon Foraker and Herlander Simões, who will then have the genius child to replace the one he lost.
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by Fox2!   » Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:44 pm


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tlb wrote:My guess is Shannon Foraker and Herlander Simões, who will then have the genius child to replace the one he lost.

What happened to Simões' wife, who was so much more accepting of their daughter being culled? Wouldn't it be ironic if she was scheduled for one of the last evacuation flights, one that was cancelled by Detweiler's final flurry of destruction?
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by Imaginos1892   » Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:53 am

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TFLYTSNBN wrote:Are Shannon and Sandra a couple?

There has never been any indication that either of them swings that way. They're just a couple of wacky geniuses, bouncing far-out ideas off each other and cranking the bizarre factor up to 11. If they were together all the time, it would be like an unending chain reaction. Either they or the universe would burn up.

tlb wrote:My guess is Shannon Foraker and Herlander Simões

That's the one I'd like to see. Especially if they get adopted by treecats.

Fox2! wrote:What happened to Simões' wife

I suspect she lost her seat when Simoes defected. Nobody ever said she was otherwise important.
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Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by Fox2!   » Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:02 pm


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Imaginos1892 wrote:
tlb wrote:My guess is Shannon Foraker and Herlander Simões

That's the one I'd like to see. Especially if they get adopted by treecats.

Fox2! wrote:What happened to Simões' wife

I suspect she lost her seat when Simoes defected. Nobody ever said she was otherwise important.

If she had an evacuation slot, but lost it, then she is among the "collateral damage" from the clean-up operations. But you are correct, she had no role other than to be a foil for Simões, setting up the condition for his (and Jack McBride's) plan to defect once McBride learned of the Terrible Twosome being on Mesa.
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by kzt   » Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:21 pm

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Simoes was not very deep into the onion. The only thing he knew of interest was the streak drive and of the existence of the spider drive. He knew nothing of Darius or of the grand plan. The thing with his daughter was not some super-secret deal, it was just how Mesa did things.

Basically he was a guy working for a commercial R&D organization with a lot of NDAs that had a bit of an obsession with security.
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by ldwechsler   » Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:56 am

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kzt wrote:Simoes was not very deep into the onion. The only thing he knew of interest was the streak drive and of the existence of the spider drive. He knew nothing of Darius or of the grand plan. The thing with his daughter was not some super-secret deal, it was just how Mesa did things.

Basically he was a guy working for a commercial R&D organization with a lot of NDAs that had a bit of an obsession with security.

Even more to the point, Zach McBryde was evacuated despite his brother. A divorce wouldn't have bothered the leadership at all. But we have no idea what she did.

Although I disagree with what seems the majority and feel that Simoes did know more than the theory. Unless the machines worked perfectly first time out, he would almost certainly be asked to help figure out why things went wrong. Even the physicists on the A-bomb knew most of the engineering issues, even if it wasn't their job to fix them. Sometimes, the theory has to somewhat adjusted and even more often the engineering has to be adjusted several times to meet the theory. My godfather worked on the Manhattan project in a theory role and knew many of the tech problems in creating the trigger.
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by Imaginos1892   » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:00 pm

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ldwechsler wrote:Even more to the point, Zach McBryde was evacuated despite his brother. A divorce wouldn't have bothered the leadership at all. But we have no idea what she did.

I'm proposing that the only reason she had a seat at all was because of Simoes. With him gone, no point in evacuating her. She might have been killed in the Houdini cover-up, or not. Nobody in the Alignmnet cared.
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Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:37 pm


I end my post with a humorous quip about Shannon and Sandra so everyone fixates on it.
Re: BC(P)s with Keyhole II and Apollo pods!
Post by Imaginos1892   » Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:13 pm

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TFLYTSNBN wrote:I end my post with a humorous quip about Shannon and Sandra so everyone fixates on it.

Two posts out of seven even mention that. Where do you get 'everyone fixating on it'?

Methinks you have a greatly inflated sense of your own importance.
Not everybody should go to college. Some folks, you send 'em to college and you just wind up with an educated idiot.

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