fallsfromtrees wrote:ldwechsler wrote:When the incident at Balcescu Station indicates people (non-slaves) with lethal keepers traveling on slave ships and transferring to other ships (as if to prevent someone from tracking them), checking other stations for similar travelers could eventually lead to at least some indication as to where the final destination is.
Everyone died. There are no witnesses. There really wasn't time for an explanation before they machine gunned the survivors in the lifeboats.
fallsfromtrees wrote:And the people who survived (on the space station) had no idea about the lethal companions. There was some suspicion about the amount of traffic by some of the controllers on the station, but having been told to mind their own business, they are probably jut going to keep their heads down, and not volunteer anything.
Cats could be brought it. And things will be learned. But I doubt there will be enough information because it is dubious that MAlign would trust the people there not to talk.
Easier to keep them in the dark. And remember that there are only a couple of extra people on board. Chances are they won't even be noticed.[/quote]
I doubt there were any Malign people on board the station. And if none of the controllers mention the extra traffic, there is no reason for bringing in cats for the questioning - the supply of cats is limited, and unless there is a compelling reason, will not be used for routine questioning off in the boondocks. The Torchese (and I agree with Berry that that is a stupid name) basically ruined the best chance to find out what was going on when they destroyed the lifeboats.[/quote]
[quote] But the Torchese had no idea of exactly what was going on there. And as far as they knew, the lifeboats were filled with by their definition murderous pirates.
Note also that we don't even know how much almost any of the crew knew about the destination.