runsforcelery wrote:And to be honest, that’s mostly because we lost Archbishop Zhasyn. If anybody had the moral authority to sit on those idiots, it was him. But he just . . . used himself up during the Jihad. He and Archbishop Arthyn got the reconciliation courts set up, but we needed more time and we didn’t get it.”
Stohnar nodded heavily. Arthyn Zagyrsk, the Archbishop of Tarikah, and Zhasyn Cahnyr, the Archbishop of Glacierheart, had indeed created the reconciliation courts that both Stohnar and Rhobair II had signed off upon. That provided at least a legal framework for the return of some of the millions of Siddarmarkian Temple Loyalists who’d fled to the Temple Lands during and after the Jihad. The courts had offered a means to adjudicate legal claims and property ownership as an essential part of rebuilding a stable society. What they hadn’t provided was a moral framework, a basis for genuine reconciliation between one-time neighbors who hated one another with a bitter, burning passion because of the atrocities and bloodshed which had turned the Republic’s western provinces into a corpse-littered wasteland dotted with the mass graves of the Inquisition’s death camps.
Yeah, no
If I were a Siddarmarker in those provinces, I'd cheerfully kill any Temple Loyalist who tried to come back.
There is no reconciliation possible for the atrocities of the "Sword of Schueler". Let them stay in the Temple Lands, with the Harchongian soldiers.
There are choices that don't get to be undone. Being with the Inquisition when they slaughtered your neighbors is one of them. And, yes, maybe you were totally repulsed by what your follow "Temple Loyalists" were doing, but didn't want to get slaughtered trying to stop them.
Many of your neighbors didn't get to make that choice.
Now you don't get to make the choice to go back.