tlb wrote:Let's get back to the real problem: how could or why would Beowulf build three massive orbital stations that lacked both defenses and a viable evacuation plan? A blocking wall for them would help some (I realize they are not military targets, but there is a need to prevent collateral damage). In the actual situation from UH, the only effective response would have been an evacuation; but that was considered impossible. I understand that Beowulf had been at peace for centuries, but that is no excuse for a lack of planning.
What if they had been built in a modular fashion; such that in an emergency they could split into mobile pieces, each effectively a very large freighter or passenger liner? Then they would have had the protection of the wedge and only the pieces containing the cargo storerooms would have blown up.
Theemile wrote:I don't think making an entire 50 teraton space station a transformer is a good idea. Now having pre-determined modules that are emergency modules, with ray - shielding and wedges for evac, spread about the ship would be a good idea, even if they are never used.
Good, I like it. Let's make them usable spaces; not just someplace to go to in an emergency. One might have meeting rooms, theaters and gyms. Another might contain a hotel and restaurants. The idea is to make them places where people would congregate even before an emergency and leave the cargo bays and storage rooms in the part that gets left behind.