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Metric and how not to use it.

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Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by jtg452   » Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:19 pm

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tlb wrote:A 500ml bottle of water is about a pint.

And a liter is about a quart and a 2 liter bottle is slightly over half a gallon. A km is about 6/10 of a mile. 1 liter of engine displacement equals about .61 cubic inches. A meter is 39 inches instead of the 36 in a yard. Etc....

Welcome to everyday life in America.

Taking all things metric and converting it, usually on the on the fly, into a unit of measure that we actually use and can visualize.

The chain (the string of metal links, not the unit of measure) in football is just to measure the 10 yards required to make a 1st down. I'm sure ropes and sticks were used back in the early days, too, but the use of a chain is the norm.
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by Vince   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:47 am

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jtg452 wrote:
tlb wrote:A 500ml bottle of water is about a pint.

And a liter is about a quart and a 2 liter bottle is slightly over half a gallon. A km is about 6/10 of a mile. 1 liter of engine displacement equals about .61 cubic inches. A meter is 39 inches instead of the 36 in a yard. Etc....

Welcome to everyday life in America.

Taking all things metric and converting it, usually on the on the fly, into a unit of measure that we actually use and can visualize.

The chain (the string of metal links, not the unit of measure) in football is just to measure the 10 yards required to make a 1st down. I'm sure ropes and sticks were used back in the early days, too, but the use of a chain is the norm.

The reason a chain is used to measure the distance instead of a rope is the same reason chains are used to secure vehicles on aircraft and railroad flatcars instead of ropes or tie down straps--metal chains will not stretch*, unlike anything made out of fibers.

* If a chain is stressed to the point where it stretches, either the chain was the wrong size for the load placed on it (too small a chain), or else the load was at level where nothing could hold. Sort of like the Honorverse when a ship under acceleration has its inertial compensator suddenly fail.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by Annachie   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:10 am

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You know, 500ml of water is damn close to a pint of US beer.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by Daryl   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:47 am

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Not that anyone else would care about US beer.
Annachie wrote:You know, 500ml of water is damn close to a pint of US beer.
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by tlb   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:12 am

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tlb wrote:A 500ml bottle of water is about a pint.

jtg452 wrote:And a liter is about a quart and a 2 liter bottle is slightly over half a gallon. A km is about 6/10 of a mile. 1 liter of engine displacement equals about .61 cubic inches. A meter is 39 inches instead of the 36 in a yard. Etc....

Welcome to everyday life in America.

Taking all things metric and converting it, usually on the on the fly, into a unit of measure that we actually use and can visualize.

The chain (the string of metal links, not the unit of measure) in football is just to measure the 10 yards required to make a 1st down. I'm sure ropes and sticks were used back in the early days, too, but the use of a chain is the norm.

Vince wrote:The reason a chain is used to measure the distance instead of a rope is the same reason chains are used to secure vehicles on aircraft and railroad flatcars instead of ropes or tie down straps--metal chains will not stretch*, unlike anything made out of fibers.

* If a chain is stressed to the point where it stretches, either the chain was the wrong size for the load placed on it (too small a chain), or else the load was at level where nothing could hold. Sort of like the Honorverse when a ship under acceleration has its inertial compensator suddenly fail.

I think 8 kilometers = 5 miles is more accurate, giving 88 KmPH = 55 MPH

So "Arrive alive, drive 55" might become "Better late than dead, drive 88 instead"; which has a good poetic meter (also called a foot).

You can also get metric measuring chains in 20 or 30 meter lengths. 20 meters is within 5 inches of 22 yards.
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by drothgery   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:15 am


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Daryl wrote:Not that anyone else would care about US beer.
Annachie wrote:You know, 500ml of water is damn close to a pint of US beer.

Remember that Bud Light is about as much US beer as Foster's is Australian beer...
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by Daryl   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:23 pm

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I didn't like Fosters even when we brewed it.

drothgery wrote:
Annachie wrote:You know, 500ml of water is damn close to a pint of US beer.

Remember that Bud Light is about as much US beer as Foster's is Australian beer...[/quote]
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by Weird Harold   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:39 pm

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drothgery wrote:Remember that Bud Light is about as much US beer as Foster's is Australian beer...

Doesn't matter who makes it, it is US beer because "Canoe Sex" is what sells in the US.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by Bill Woods   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:22 pm

Bill Woods
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Weird Harold wrote:
drothgery wrote:Remember that Bud Light is about as much US beer as Foster's is Australian beer...

Doesn't matter who makes it, it is US beer because "Canoe Sex" is what sells in the US.
(Old joke)
A sample of American beer was sent in for testing.
The result: "Your horse has diabetes."
Imagined conversation:
Admiral [noting yet another Manty tech surprise]:
XO, what's the budget for the ONI?
Vice Admiral: I don't recall exactly, sir. Several billion quatloos.
Admiral: ... What do you suppose they did with all that money?
Re: Metric and how not to use it.
Post by cthia   » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:38 pm

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Posts: 14951
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Weird Harold wrote:
drothgery wrote:Remember that Bud Light is about as much US beer as Foster's is Australian beer...

Doesn't matter who makes it, it is US beer because "Canoe Sex" is what sells in the US.
Bill Woods wrote: (Old joke)
A sample of American beer was sent in for testing.
The result: "Your horse has diabetes."
Only the American Quarter horse produces beer. By the, err, quart of course.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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