cthia wrote:" I find it odd, that every other navy saw her worth long before the RMN.
I'm not sure I'd go that far. No, in fact I know I wouldn't.
The Peeps recognized her as the outstanding manty officer of her generation, and nothing I've seen suggests the RMN didn't consider her the same after Cassimer. If your 'officer generation' are all busy being shiphandlers it would take something
extremely unusual to have one commanding fleets (Theisman, and the CPS habit of shooting admirals
pour encourager les autres is a good example). First Basilisk gets her promoted to Captain SG and her following assignments are: independent patrol-->Independent Squadron/diplomatic mission-->BC command, Flag Captain. All of these assignments are increasingly difficult with corresponding prestige and responsibility, two come with brand new ships, and the last one has her as Sarnow's tactical deputy. For that matter, HMS
Nike is THE battlecruiser command, the one post the RMN is going to put the best available ship-handler in.
Silesia was a sop move to her critics. White Haven says as much in HAE when he briefs her. In the same passage he recognizes her as one of the RMN's finest officers, that she should be
at least a commodore, that if Caparelli had a free hand he'd skip her to flag rank and give her a squadron of the wall or at least battlecruisers, and that once on duty nothing could stop the admiralty from giving her the
acting authority she needs for whatever assignment they give her even if political opposition prevents her promotion from being confirmed.
So as early as 1908PD the RMN new her 'value' but were prevented from making best use of her. I actually considered that scene in HAE pretty hard for the MVP award. The issue I had is that while her Navy might have recognized her ability, her actual achievements in enabling the RMN to 'win' were...relatively minor, really.
From 1908 back to, oh, immediately after Cassimer they were aware of her ability and giving her assignments to match.
Fearless I wasn't a hate-move by Hemphill, it was a case of giving her test vessel to the best officer available (who didn't have the connections to get out of it), and the assignment to Basilisk was Janacek being petty. And it's probably worth noting that Theisman is a flag captain in SVW, the same as Honor.