The RMN has a limited number of ships. The entirety of Home Fleet- and it's supporting infrastructure of forts, etc., - maintains what I presume is the equivalent of
DEFCON 3 at all times, no? Doesn't that eat up total available operating hours (uptime) like pacman eats dots? Resulting in many of Home Fleet's ships needing downtime for maintenance all at once? Or at least many of them entering the window for repair at once? Which could result in failures during actual battle as a result of the technical problems of keeping a force at readiness while simultaneously keeping it running. It's akin to midair refueling, but instead of adding fuel you are adding repairs.
What?! Akin to parasitic fish attaching itself to whales to keep it running cleanly on-the-fly.
Which, could result in critical units of
Eighth Fleet which is armed with Apollo, down at an inopportune time. Similar to Pavel Young's unit being down for the count. Honor's flag could be indisposed during an MA encore. Now, she can transfer her flag during maintenance issues, but it has to be on a similarly equipped ship. But Honor's ammo load-out will be different than anyone else's, which introduces a chance for the RMN to be caught with its pants down like Japan's Yamamoto while changing out ammo.
The difference in how things work on paper and in real life is as a result of the many administrators and their secretaries who are pencil pushers and not warship pushers.
"Sir, here's the revised book on regulations."
"Thanks maggot. Hmmm ... hmm ... throw this damn thing in the fire!"
Does everyone agree on DEFCON 3?