cthia wrote:Two centuries is a very long time for Haven's soul to have been sold to the devil. If not for prolong, the fire would have been long extinguished before any chance of reigniting in patriotic catalysts like Pritchart and Theisman.
Makes me wonder if Democracy here in America is strong enough to survive being put on ice for 200 years, even with prolong.
Just a quick note. When I said RFC was "hung up on" the French Revolution early, I meant really early. Let's face it Manticore is a stand in for Britain in many ways and Honor was a salute to Horatio Hornblower.
And we have the Legistlaturists, Rob S Pierre and St. Juste.
But as things changed, they got more interesting. What would have happened if the Committee for Personal Safety had been replaced by democrats instead of Napoleon?
Of course, we also had a mixture of welfare statism mixed in.
That things have changed for the better is a good thing.