JohnRoth wrote:cthia wrote:Hmm, with all of the sperm Detweiler anonymously donated across the galaxy, wouldn't it be ironic if one of his bastard children ended up being exemplary officers in the RMN, or an affiliate navy? And ended up kicking the living excretion out of the MAlign?
Beaten by his own blood.
There are probably a lot more people in the galaxy with Mesan Alpha level intelligence than there are Mesan Alphas. By several orders of magnitude.
They are a relatively small proportion of the galactic population, but the galactic population is much, much bigger than the population of Mesa and Darius combined. The rest is simple statistics.
cthia wrote:My thought filters the fodder just a bit to...
Mesan Alpha level IQ + Detweiler blood.
ldwechsler wrote:Statistics always wins. The alphas we've seen don't seem all that brilliant anyway. Not that they're dumb but they manage to bumble around far too much.
Only if the statistics is accurately digested, then properly applied. Meaningful statistics is rarely simple. Personally, I abhor statistics hogs who easily utilize the internet to compile data of something they know nothing about. They're like hogs spouting slop. Or handling fire without the qualifications. I'm not accusing you of that. Simply throwing it out there.
Properly digesting statistics is a lucrative career called Marketing.
In this case, the statistics mean absolutely nothing, because it only takes
one Alpha to kick the living excrement out of the entire galaxy plus some capable supporting officers.
Exhibit A1 Prime Alpha Meat...Honor Stephanie Alexander Harrington + adherents.
In the case of the Malign, I think everyone is jumping the gun on their IQ failing them. Remember, they orchestrated a plan that encompassed centuries. Though it failed in its endeavor to eliminate the League, it failed
because of a
single Alpha level intelligence. Harrington. IOW, they didn't fail because Alphas aren't intelligent. They failed because Alphas
are - and because one in particular is quite formidable. Again. Harrington. Bottom line, it took an Alpha to beat them. Or at least set them back.
Adding other facts to the fire that merit igniting, the MA was not ready to accurately deal with the
independent mind of the galaxy and its cohort Murphy. If they settle down they can get back on balance. I have a trusted inside source
who may have hinted that their tech is ready. Which means any plans they formulate now, may not have to encompass so much time. And, unlike the League, there should be no more holes in their intel. And also unlike the League, they really are not imbeciles. Just very very very ambitious. Sociopaths can be very brilliant. I suspect that Alpha level sociopaths can be very frighteningly brilliant.
I don't think it is prudent to have expected them to get it completely right - a plan that encompassed centuries. And when Daddy D died, I think some emotions went off the track. They should settle down. Grieve. Then channel that anger. Remember as well, it was searing anger that spurred a centuries long plan in the first place.
If there's one thing the Salamander taught us . . . is that the galaxy has to be very very careful when angering an Alpha.