n7axw wrote:
I'm sure that there will be trust issues outside the Core worlds in the Shell and the Verge. But for the Core, probably not so much. After all the system was rigged in their favor and they were pretty insulated from reality.
They were pretty insulated but with the actions of the Mandarins I doubt they are any longer. Suddenly people will be asking if the SLN and the League government can do or attempt what came pretty close to an EE violation on core systems and close allies imagine what they did to the verge and protectorates with no-one watching or caring?
It would be a scenario like Nazi Germany, many of the civilians might have known or heard about the concentration camps, but once the evidence came pouring in they were repulsed by the action of their government in the name of their nation.
The new League government if it starts off free of corruption and trying to get back to the League core values might use the actions of the League in the Verge and Protectorates as a means to strengthen democracy and prevent such atrocities in the future... or they might try to forget the whole thing happened which would be pretty hard when the video's an evidence starts flooding in from the actions of Frontier Fleet and the Gendarmerie like those of Yucel in Mobius amongst other places.