kzt wrote:PeterZ wrote:Absolutely. Those systems enacting such laws won't get access to the majority of the resources being exported by the ex-Protectorates. They will have to either extract the needed resources locally or find another supplier. Because these laws limit the size of the supplier base these systems have access to, their costs will go up. That increase may or may not be acceptable to the importing transstellars' customer base.
Protectorates are not part of the SL. And it's the protectorates problem if they can't sell stuff, the SL will survive without silverwood just fine.
If that was true, then there wouldn't have been the caterwauling of transstellars losing money as the WHJ network was closed down to SL shipping.
There is a price advantage provided by the ex-Protectorates supply of exported resources; basic resources, not just exotic luxury items. Recall all the resource extraction facilities in those Verge and Protectorate worlds. They don't just supply for local consumption. The resources being produce are being exported. Further recall that something over half of the Solarian import/exports used Manty shipping and that imports/exports was not a negligible part of the Solarian League economy. That disruption had impacted (I believe) 15% of the SL GSP. Much of that impact may be manageable with substitution but not all of it.
Those obstinate Core worlds erecting barriers will also not participate in the massive demand for infrastructure expansion the Protectorates will be needing. As those worlds begin to invest in themselves and not simply ship out their wealth to the Core Worlds, they will need to import technology.
They will need more technology than the GA worlds can provide. Being hard cases will cost Core Worlds money. That creates a incentive for other core Worlds to become accomodating. The Core Worlds' economies are large enough that if a sizable minority of them actively participate with the ex-Protectorates, a majority of those exports will purchased and shipped by the SEM for mutual advantage.
RFC pretty well sates that the Solarian League was a satisfied economy with slow growth rates. They need to invest outside the League to find good rates of return. They also can't afford to invest massive amounts of capital in expensive infrastructure that can't generate sufficiently large returns. Expensive resource extraction assets that generates resources that can't provide a high enough profit are simply too unatractive for private investors and too expensive for a system's government to take on by itself.