smr wrote:Excuse me but I was enlisted and then became and NCO so I know what I am talking about. How long were in you in the US military. Thought so! Correct me if I am wrong but the Great E has never been in the US military and I doubt you have been in the German military!
You're wrong, by the way.
One, you really do not know how little the enlisted earn! I do not speak for the officers because I was never a commissioned officer. The enlisted hardly earn anything so I really do resent when you speak out and represent yourself as knowing anything about the military or the military pay. At the end of my contract in 98 I was earning hardly anything but my housing was paid for. The enlisted need a huge pay raise. So kindly leave that out of the discussion of Trump. Your welcome to bash Trump all day if that makes you feel good about yourself if not suck it up and soldier on. If G and E have figured the fact that I have a special place in my heart for the volunteers of the US military here's the newflash!
Yeah, see, neither I nor gcomeau really know or care whether or not US enlisted servicemen are over- or underpaid. It's beside the point for this discussion. Trump claimed that the bill he signed represented the first pay raise for servicemembers in a decade, which is
flat out wrong, given that servicemembers have been getting pay raises
every single year since 1983.
Now, fun prediction time! I will predict that smr will stop reading this post after the "know or care" part. His next response will therefore be another rant about how I and gc are somehow amoral and don't know what we're talking about (smr, if you made it this far without posting an angry, badly worded response, congratulations! You've managed to prove me wrong. Now, prove me more wrong and start putting some effort into your posts! Nothing would enrage stupid liberal me more than you posting something intelligent.)