n7axw wrote:Obsolete compared to what??!! This isn't the post buttercup RMN, you know. Prior to Gram tech advances in the Honorverse were pretty slow motioned. At that time, the RMN's navy was mostly obsolete. But that was because of the plague years and how the politics played out in the aftermath. Those hulls could probably be updated to the point of being competitive.
The SLN played by these assumptions and comfortably so until they missed out on the memo that gram had kicked over the apple cart.
So yes, those Volsung hulls could be useful. There probably wasn't that much difference between them and the ones the Andermani had in service. In fact, the RMN managed to beat back the Volsungs with its obsolete navy. That doesn't imply that the Volsungs were so far behind as it demonsrates that there was not a lot of difference on the tech scale from top to bottom.
Theemile wrote:Several of the Volsung destroyers and Frigates are the same class as the RMN fielded.
Yes the Volsung ships are possibly as antiquated as the Manty ships are.
However, twas not the RMN that would have collected prizes. It would have been the Andermani. And I wonder if Gustav wouldhave taken that stuff and actually presed it into service, especially considering the overhauling it would take.
Yes he has an old rebuilt Battleship, but who else besides the league has a battleship? A few ancient destroyers, about as good as the Manty ones, or a cruiser like
Casey, which the Andermani considered ... barely combat capable, would hardly be considered prizes. Well maybe to the RMN which, again, forgot to negotiate one into the mix.
And does he even need more light units?