Pardon my bold to call attention.n7axw wrote:cthia wrote:
Evil is normal unto evil. Darkness is normal unto darkness.
Yet, how can evil be sane?
Evil's difficulty is not a lack of rationality. In fact you can have something evil which is profoundly rational because the difficulty is deeper than that. The Detweilers' issue has to do with a moral compass that is profoundly warped in that it has reshaped morality into something that excludes "normals" from its sense of obligation and concern.
What I am describing here is far more common than one might think. It rears its ugly head any time you have any group of people exhibit what we might call tribalism. That is illustrated by the fact that most primative peoples name for itself is in its own language is "the people." The implication here is that outsiders are on some level subhuman. For such folk, no obligation exists outside of the tribe. Within the tribe, they can laugh, love, exhibit kindness, and act as normal, healthy human beings. But outside of the tribe those obligations do not exist.
The Mesa genetically modified lines are like that. Anyone who participates in the uplift of the race is human among whom normal human relationships might exist. Outsiders are only tools to serve their end and who are ultimately destined for oblivion. There is no obligation toward such. We might refer to the Detweilers as the ultimate true believers whose commtiment to their vision and their determination to bring that vision to pass by any and all available means qualifies them as fanatics.
Look around. There is far too much of this sort of thing going on around us in our own reality and at this moment in time is causing us all sorts of trouble. It is far more common than you think and has ensnared lots of people who are otherwise decent human beings.
Not sure I can agree.
It is a lack of a moral compass. When lacking a moral compass, how can one be rational? Hence, America's treatment of blacks. Hitler's treatment of Jews, etc. The difference then is that the evil was not inherent within. There were those who opposed, being led by a moral compass, which broke the bonds of evil.
The Detweiler's changed the genetic code of man, altering him from the inherent good that is now found within mankind -- who went from being descended from the flesh (Adam) to being descended from Jesus. Detweiler erased thousands of years of spiritual evolution putting mankind back to being descended from flesh. The evil now begets evil. The evil has become incestuously inherent.
Fanaticism without a moral compass is evil. Without a compass one has no bearing on right and wrong, up or down, left or right.
America became great because "In God We Trust." When man trusts himself only, man becomes lost.
When we strive to become gods, we fail miserably at being men, and fail hopelessly at being gods.