pappilon wrote:cthia wrote:Beowulf caused her karma to bite her...
because her cause was worth it.
Karma is the belief that a person's actions in life will determine their fate in the next life. Sith the belief in Karma, Hinduism holds firmly to Dharma: the moral force that orders the universe.
Namaste The god in in me bows to the god in you.
Beowulf did what Beowulf did because her Moral code (Dharma) left her no other choice. Karma happens.
The next life is merely the next moment. That moment may be long enough to encompass your next life. Or, barely long enough to encompass your next moment.
Of course, the informal notion implies and warns, that one can "unnecessarily" precipitate negative karma.
Hence Beowulf => 20M dead. Precipitously.[/quote]
If that happens, I greatly doubt the Mandarins will survive. If they do, there will be great human sacrifice among their admirals.
And the League will never again be trusted.