Walks Alone wrote:It still seems like shifting sands to me... or two opponents moving around as they react to each other... the evolution of the destroyer seems to have been just that... reacting to new threats as they came up.
There you go, nailed it in one. And typicaly a lot more than two opponents.
Build something that works.
The other side (and you) then have to figure out how to defeat that and how to employ it.
Find a way to overcome that defence and/or find a new way to defeat their stuff. All this being weapons, wepon platforms (ships, aircraft, etc), tactics, electronics, shielding, various countermeasures, adding longer range to stuff,
Repeat as often as nessisary to prevail and defeat your opponent until the fighing stops---and then go into the slower peace time variation of this.
This cycle moves a LOT faster in war time. Hello Mr. Darwin. Not everything works but finding out what does not can kill you. Bigger is not always better. More accurate is always better if you can get close enough AND defeat the defences deployed to stop your attack.
Make an areal torpedo that can be dropped in much shallower water than anybody elce believes possible and you sink a lot of battleships at Pearl Harbor.
Don't figure out (or know that is done but don't impliment it) that you need to flush your aviation fuel lines on aircraft carriers with something like CO2 right after you fuel aircraft for a strike AND decide mid-job that you need to change armement on your refueling aircraft AND leave all that stuff you just unloaded lying on the hanger deck when your opponents find your carriers all grouped within sight of one another and press home their attacks with determination......and you lose much of your first line carrier fleet (and most of the experienced naval pilots) at Midway.
Oh, and change your codes more frequently so the other side doesn't figure out you are going to hit Midway in the first place.
Don't test your nifty new torpedo (magnetic) detonators enough (because they and the live torpedoes you would have to use are expensive) and a lot of your submarines spend the 1st year of the war not getting the enemy ships they hit sunk because the dammed detonators were failing when they should have sunk or severly damaged dozens of enemy warships and transports.
Rock over fist, Club over rock, spear over club, arrow over any of them, horse moves your fighter faster, armor protects, too much armor can both slow you down and get you killed. Things can defeat armor. Fire, catapults, castles- which don't do well against big things using gunpowder. You can drop things from airplanes. You can shoot things from airplanes.
You can shoot down airplanes. There is this nifty thing called camouflage and something called stealthing a large metal and carbon composit thing so electronic detection equipment can't "see" it even if it is flying at you (mostly at night because the Mark I eyeball can see that big black thing in daylight any you can shoot them down if you hit them.
Something is going to change. It never ends.