ldwechsler wrote:
Why would they repudiate Henke? She did nothing wrong. There are some people who only look for the worst. Of course, Roosevelt called them "muckrakers" and the word has taken on a new meaning but it fits here.
Because Henke looks guilty to just about everyone in the galaxy. Look, the Manticorian/GA story is objectively absurd to everyone else.
ldwechsler wrote:And let us remember that Tourville was on site. There were many dozens of ships there and all will basically show that there were no missiles fired.
First Manticore DID send things into the atmosphere and I'm assuming they released plenty of drones. It is also important to remember that, Mistletoe was able to take out its target without being detected.
The real problem though is there were also assorted Mesan passive sensors on site and I bet those Mesan sensors will show just enough suspicious activity to damn Manticore. Either because a) Manticore is being framed by some not-nice people, b) some overzealous Mesan will tweak the data c) sensor ghosts or d) abuse of retrospective analysis.
Fireflair wrote:I think you're stretching matters a bit. Manticore's government has already approved what the terrible duo did. Not only approved their actions but sent them back to Mesa with the contrivance of Beowulf. If Manticore was at all concerned without the galactic public viewed either Cachet or Anton, they would not have done so.
Eh, everything I remember reading shows people convincing themselves they weren't involved. I don't remember any scene were they actually get a full debriefing. I think that people in Manticore and Haven convinced themselves that Anton and Victor had nothing to do with the explosion. Not professional behavior, but not really murder either.
Fireflair wrote: In fact with the full disclosure and transparency of the facts being provided you might see any hue and outcry silenced in favor of support for the duo.
I suspect that the full facts being laid out simply wouldn't be believed. If I get told a high level member of the military AND government (Honor) knowingly met with an enemy intelligence agent (Victor) AND allowed that enemy intelligence agent access to an extremely valuable military asset (a warship) AND let that enemy go in a time of war, I would suspect conspiracy and treason. Especially if the explanation involves a rather absurd conspiracy.
I suspect the Havenite populace would be particularly suspicious. Victor is ex State Security. Their government has a long history of lying to them, and I suspect that Havenites will be much less trusting of the Treecat's magic powers than Manticorians.
Fireflair wrote: Regardless of their culpability in the explosions (real or imagined), the Manti public may just view their actions as not only acceptable to strike back at the unseen enemy who just attacked them but as a legitimate act of war.
Strike back? What are you talking about? Green Pines was
before Yawata. I recommend the Manticorian government not bring up the order of events.
Oh and Mesa doesn't actually have magical stealth technology as I'm sure Henke is about to find out. Mesa simply wasn't behind the Yawata strike. It wasn't even a Mesan citizen behind it! The Dets' don't officially exist!
Do you know what tends to happen when you start a war on claims that another country attacked you and is making horrible weapons, but it later turns out said country neither attacked you nor made those horrible weapons? People tend to stop supporting you.
Fireflair wrote:As for the stealth ships, I could find the textev on it if need be, but they decided that they located the arrival of the MAlign ships that ghosted in to launch the graser torpedoes. No one will EVER succeed in an attack in such a fashion again. So no, those stealth ships can't come back and repeat their attack.
Targeting major industrial nodes? Yeah, that won't work as well. Targeting a planet? That will work just fine. The stealth ships are probably overkill for planet killing, but you might as well go all out.
Brigade XO wrote:
For the next rounds of Alignment attacks, you have at least the same Ghost/Shark combinations that hit Manticore and Grayson plus the Lenny Dets and whatever else the Alignment has been building which are still essentially invisible to standard detection gear. Heck, they could swan into the Sol System (quietly- swans can be very quiet) and one or two others and blow the crap out of a couple of SLN Reserve Fleet formations and major military stations. Hitting the reserve fleet hulls wouldn't be all that productive except to grind home the point that SLN is usless, hitting orbital facilites in the Sol System and a few others (like Yilden for Tehnodyne) would also have massive political and morale implications, not the least of which is that SLN- and so the SL can't protect anybody and you need to look to your own defence. Of course that would have the negative (for the Alignment) of making the point that the boogyman Manticore and Haven have been talking about does exist but that may not be enough to hold the League together since the League Buracracy has been destroying confidence in the League already.
Personally, if I was an evil Malign person, I would wait until Manticore was in the system, then fire on some helpless civilian targets. Somehow, I doubt that Sol really got rid of all the bio-weapons and nano-weapons after the Final War. They might have even kept on developing them (to build better counter-measures obviously) and can target them against only members of the military. IIRC, the military gets various treatments for anti-coercion and what not. Sounds like a perfect target to me.
Fireflair wrote:More over, when (not 'if' mind you) the GA wins it really will become a mute point.
Not so sure about that. The Earthings just copy the winning tactics from Out of the Dark. They'd probably need a little nano-wizardry to pull it off in the Honorverse, but Earth is the home of the Final War. I bet they could manage.