gcomeau wrote:The E wrote:Today, the vice leader led the cabinet in a prayer, dedicated to praising the Grand Leader for his accomplishments, his vision and his leadership. He was appropriately demure in his words, crediting the Grand Leader at every turn, even finding room to praise the crown princess.
The Grand Leader was, reportedly, content with these humble words.
You know, we make a lot of fun of North Korea and its leadership's unceasing need to be complimented, but it's suddenly less funny when this is apparently standard operating procedure in the Trump administration.
That was just disturbing to watch on every level. And bio will no doubt claim comparisons to North Korea are "liberal hysteria" but they are entirely apt. Authoritarians and dictators are Trump's role models of "strong leadership", it's what he aspires to. He makes it clear constantly.
Expecting to see Trump execute his uncle with an aircraft gun any day now.