And I cam across the following about halfway through LAMA August Year of God 896.II. The Temple, City of Zion, The Temple Lands:
"That's true." Duchairn nodded. "Unfortunately, the transport problems mean we have a huge logistical logjam well behind the front. I've got somewhere around thirty thousand rifles stuck short of the Tanshar border a tthe moment. It's going to be very hard to break them free, with all the emphasis on getting materials to repair the canals forward, and I'm afraid additional new production weapons may be stuck even farther up the line than that."
And I can keep them jammed where they are for at least another month before I run out of logical excuses for Zhaspar, Allayn. He didn't actually say the words, but he thought them loudly, indeed, and Magwair's eyes flickered.
The piece that's in italics was that way in the book, but it's also the point I want to emphasize too.
At this point in the timeline, I THINK the MHoG (Harchongians) is assembling in the Temple Lands, so perhaps Duchairn is thinking about directing the rifles to them.
But at the same time, we already know that Duchairn is having his crisis of conscience - lots of textev to that effect.
As for me, I think he's messing with the AOG's logistics to sabotage the jihad. Obviously he's aware that he can't do it openly, and there has to always be a good reason for what he's doing lest Clyntahn suspect... I've got this thought niggling around the back of my brain that there's lots of other textev beginning in LAMA talking about things Duchairn has done to hamper the war effort.