pappilon wrote:You have to send trainees through basic training, basic remedial education then training yes you can give them basic gravitics and engineering training on something, anything, but why keep that junk around any longer than absolutely necessary because you have nothing else.
If you need training stuff, Cimterres are a better platform than surplus SLN LACS, and more useful because you might actually have to repair a frontline RHN LAC. especially considering the joint combat missions.
If you want to make sure they are ready with obsolete stuff, there is the Hyper capable stuff of the Talbott quadrant navies (primarily Rembrant, Spindle and Dresden that we have text ev.). There is no need to try to utilize anything that is new to them, obsolete, yet still needs to formation of a new logistics pipeline.
What text ev I remember was a bit unclear about what happened to the pre-existing Quadrant Hyper capable ships, but at least implied that all Quadrant planets have received at least one wing of new build RMN LACs.