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Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations

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Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by pappilon   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:13 am

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Weird Harold wrote:
n7axw wrote:You do have evidence of a Solly attack on Beowulf being planned at the end of ART.

A Rising Thunder
(The very last scene) wrote:
“You mean Kingsford and Bernard are thinking in terms of pouncing on Beowulf—coming straight in across the hyper limit and going flat out for the planet—before any Manty forces at the terminus can intervene?”

“I think that’s about the only thing they could be thinking of,” al-Fanudahi said. “I don’t know if it would work, but assuming Beowulf hasn’t been completely surrounded by new and nasty missile pods, a big enough force of superdreadnoughts, especially with enough of the new Technodyne missile pods, probably could fight its way in through the BSDF and the fixed defenses. And once they controlled the planetary orbitals, they’d be justified under interstellar law in demanding the system’s surrender.”

“And exactly where in this fascinating analysis of yours do the Manty superdreadnoughts come in?” Teague inquired politely. “You know, the ones over at the terminus? The ones who are going to come right back over to Beowulf and kick our sorry asses out of the star system?”

“Oh, those superdreadnoughts?” Al-Fanudahi smiled crookedly at her. “Well, I suppose the idea would be that once the system government surrendered to us, we’d announce special emergency elections—called at the insistence of the Beowulfan public, of course—in light of the existing Board of Directors’ high-handed and probably treasonous actions. And no doubt that new, legitimate system government would denounce the previous system government’s decision to even consider seceding from the Solarian League. Obviously, it would be incumbent upon us to recognize the new, legitimate—I did mention that it would be legitimate, didn’t I?—system government’s position. And, equally obviously, Manticore would be on very thin ice when it came to denying the legitimacy of that new system government, given their desire to avoid the puppet-master image. So the logic, I imagine, is that since what Manticore really needs is control of the Beowulf Terminus, the Manties would recognize a fait accompli when they saw it and let us have the Beowulf System back.”

“And if the Manties don’t roll over that way?”

“In that case, I would imagine, our fleet commander negotiates a withdrawal from the star system. Probably on the grounds that the orders which sent him there in the first place had misread the true sentiments of the Beowulfers. Now that he’s had the opportunity to observe firsthand that the decision to secede enjoys genuine popular support, of course he’s prepared to acknowledge that and retire from the lists. Of course, if Manticore is so unreasonable as to deny a negotiated, peaceful withdrawal with no further combat, our commander can’t be held responsible for any collateral damage that might befall the system infrastructure—and population, unfortunately—in the course of an unprovoked Manticoran attack upon his peaceably departing forces.”

(bold mine)

n7axw wrote:What we don't know is how that was carried out or even if it was carried out. But it is not unreasonable to assume that it did or to speculate on the outcome.

That scene is about a impending request for an intelligence assessment and speculation about just what might be planned. We don't actually know that the attack was planned or scrubbed in favor of the "commerce raiding" depicted in the snippets.

Given the rumor of 10 million civilian deaths, I would guess that the speculation in the texev above is pretty close to the actual plan -- especially the bit about "peacefully departing forces."

We still have the ROE issue. Despite both being members of the GA, the RMN does not necessarily have freedom of navigation within the SD system. This is definitely something that should be addressed in SOPs and operational plans. And it takes hours from entering N-space to 0-0 intercept with a planet's orbit. Is an arrogant BF admiral going to burn at 5% of compensator max to 0-0 before RMN units can respond, or is he going to run in expecting to scare the bejeebers out of any 5th rate SDF admiral tasked with keeping The Real Navy out of its back yard? Especially if the thinking at the Admiralty is Manticore won't dare respond to the threat "given their desire to avoid the puppet-master image."
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by quite possibly a cat   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:44 pm

quite possibly a cat
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Oh, if SLN learns about the the slave depot that Beowulf took over they could also use that as an excuse to get ships in. They traced ships from a Slave Depot to a Beowulf military facility. Either a) they allow the Solarian Navy to inspect all Beowulfian military facilities or b) get fired on for being pirate scum. Alternatively, they could capture a slaver captured by Beowulfians and apply the Equipment clause. Then go after their co-conspirators.

Seriously, they should not try and fight their way through to Beowulf's orbitals. Find an excuse to float up to Beowulf. Hell, you hardly need one! They are part of the Solarian League!
Loren Pechtel wrote:Nobody's backstopping their production facilities with civilians. It's just the production facilities aren't that far away from the planet and striking them risks plowing a missile into the planet. (Many books ago when Ghost Rider was new I did some math on this, trying to figure out what it would take to make a missile that was safe to use near planets--and I don't think it can be done due to a lack of a reliable way of detecting planets in time. Missiles are meant to operate in a heavy EW environment and the defenders will be trying to blind them. A blinded missile attacking something near a planet has no hope of detecting the planet. The only non-jammable sensor I can come up with is a tide detector--and I can see no way to make it accurate enough. You have the nasty problem that tides drop off at the third power of distance rather than the second and to get a bearing on the planet you need two detectors on opposite sides of the missile. Your bearing is based on the difference in range between the two--a small fraction of an inch. Even if you could measure it is it really the planet, or is it being confused by something nearby, say another missile? It's the same problem as with astrology--nearby objects exert a far greater tidal force on you than the other planets do.)
I call that backstopping. But that's basically my point. If they use EM/jamming on your missiles its hardly your fault when the nearly blind missile confuses a planet with a ship, or doesn't see a planet at all. Or a near miss by a laser does just enough to fry the computer. Or a planet might get hidden by a wedge and after manuevering around the missile doesn't have time to avoid the planet. Or some other horrible mishap.

Of course, if they are kind enough not to use defenses that might interfere with the missiles in anyway, you can promise not one missile will hit the planet's surface. :P If they cause your missiles to impact into the planet, that's on them.
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by Theemile   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:43 pm

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quite possibly a cat wrote:<snip>

Of course, if they are kind enough not to use defenses that might interfere with the missiles in anyway, you can promise not one missile will hit the planet's surface. :P If they cause your missiles to impact into the planet, that's on them.

At the end of the day, does the SLN even care about an EE violation? After all, what is the punishment? Oh, right - the SL sends the SLN BF to beat on your capital to make a point.

And, since you are the SLN BF....
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by quite possibly a cat   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:07 pm

quite possibly a cat
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Theemile wrote:
quite possibly a cat wrote:<snip>

Of course, if they are kind enough not to use defenses that might interfere with the missiles in anyway, you can promise not one missile will hit the planet's surface. :P If they cause your missiles to impact into the planet, that's on them.

At the end of the day, does the SLN even care about an EE violation? After all, what is the punishment? Oh, right - the SL sends the SLN BF to beat on your capital to make a point.

And, since you are the SLN BF....
Yeah, but an EE Edict violation still looks bad. Plus the SDFs that out class the SLN could still send their fleets to beat on the SLN capital. Or Sol could send people to the Mandarin's houses. The EEE is the only thing the Sollies agree on anyway.
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by n7axw   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:20 pm

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Just a comment about something that strikes me a bit odd. Beuwulf is manufacturing Mark 23s for Manticore prior to leaving the League. I would think that would be a valid thing for the League to be upset about. It sort of looks like they jumped the gun...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by pappilon   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:33 pm

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n7axw wrote:Just a comment about something that strikes me a bit odd. Beuwulf is manufacturing Mark 23s for Manticore prior to leaving the League. I would think that would be a valid thing for the League to be upset about. It sort of looks like they jumped the gun...



Not sure it matters. (1) They're already mad over "Stabbing Admiral Filareta in the back." (2) How did they find out about the missile manufacturing lines? Pretty sure it was not announced in Jaynes.
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by n7axw   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:02 pm

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pappilon wrote:
n7axw wrote:Just a comment about something that strikes me a bit odd. Beuwulf is manufacturing Mark 23s for Manticore prior to leaving the League. I would think that would be a valid thing for the League to be upset about. It sort of looks like they jumped the gun...



Not sure it matters. (1) They're already mad over "Stabbing Admiral Filareta in the back." (2) How did they find out about the missile manufacturing lines? Pretty sure it was not announced in Jaynes.

Perhaps not. But it does presume the outcome of the referendum, doesn't it? It just looks a bit odd in the story...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by quite possibly a cat   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:27 pm

quite possibly a cat
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n7axw wrote:Just a comment about something that strikes me a bit odd. Beuwulf is manufacturing Mark 23s for Manticore prior to leaving the League. I would think that would be a valid thing for the League to be upset about. It sort of looks like they jumped the gun...



Also helping to rebuild Manticore's infrastructure. Another valid thing for the League to be upset about.

Honestly, the League should send in law enforcement. They have plenty of valid excuses.

n7axw wrote:Perhaps not. But it does presume the outcome of the referendum, doesn't it? It just looks a bit odd in the story...
Presuming the referendum outcome is a little weird. The League could try and highlight that, but they'll probably do something stupid instead.
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by Eagleeye   » Fri Nov 03, 2017 12:43 am


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quite possibly a cat wrote:
n7axw wrote:Just a comment about something that strikes me a bit odd. Beuwulf is manufacturing Mark 23s for Manticore prior to leaving the League. I would think that would be a valid thing for the League to be upset about. It sort of looks like they jumped the gun...



Also helping to rebuild Manticore's infrastructure. Another valid thing for the League to be upset about.

Honestly, the League should send in law enforcement. They have plenty of valid excuses.

n7axw wrote:Perhaps not. But it does presume the outcome of the referendum, doesn't it? It just looks a bit odd in the story...
Presuming the referendum outcome is a little weird. The League could try and highlight that, but they'll probably do something stupid instead.

Don't forget that - what? 5% or so? - of the Manticorans will have beowulfan ancestors somethere in their familiy trees. Heck, if you put your mind to it, you could probably crew a whole SD(P)-squadron or two with people who are a) at least grand children of Beowulfans and b) got their monthly paycheck by the RMN! After all, the intermarriage history between Manticorans and Beowulfans is as long and fruitful as the time, the connection via the Manticoran WHJ exists... So, why should Beowulf not help to rebuild Manticore's infrastructure after the Yawata strike (which, If I'm allowed to remember, took place in time of peace between the Star Empire of Manticore and the Solarian League)?
Re: Battle of Sigma Draconis predictions/speculations
Post by pappilon   » Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:22 am

Rear Admiral

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n7axw wrote:Just a comment about something that strikes me a bit odd. Beuwulf is manufacturing Mark 23s for Manticore prior to leaving the League. I would think that would be a valid thing for the League to be upset about. It sort of looks like they jumped the gun...



quite possibly a cat wrote:Also helping to rebuild Manticore's infrastructure. Another valid thing for the League to be upset about.

Honestly, the League should send in law enforcement. They have plenty of valid excuses.

n7axw wrote:Perhaps not. But it does presume the outcome of the referendum, doesn't it? It just looks a bit odd in the story...
Presuming the referendum outcome is a little weird. The League could try and highlight that, but they'll probably do something stupid instead.

Eagleeye wrote:Don't forget that - what? 5% or so? - of the Manticorans will have beowulfan ancestors somethere in their familiy trees. Heck, if you put your mind to it, you could probably crew a whole SD(P)-squadron or two with people who are a) at least grand children of Beowulfans and b) got their monthly paycheck by the RMN! After all, the intermarriage history between Manticorans and Beowulfans is as long and fruitful as the time, the connection via the Manticoran WHJ exists... So, why should Beowulf not help to rebuild Manticore's infrastructure after the Yawata strike (which, If I'm allowed to remember, took place in time of peace between the Star Empire of Manticore and the Solarian League)?

And the league is more a confederacy than a multi system polity like the SEM. And from Beowulf's perspective there was no state of war existing that the SL acknowledged until Filareta actually attacked. And all those Freighters Admiral Chen noted in disgust, business as usual in the league.
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn


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