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How To Abandon Ship?

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Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:31 am

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Grashtel wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Though that doesn't help you survive the EMP from 'nearby' laserheads targeting other ships in your fleet. Life pods are probably pretty EMP hardened, but skinsuits could have a rougher time if you had to do a manual bailout.

EMP is not an issue in space, they are the result of the interaction of the plasma from the blast with a planetary magnetic field so in the absence of that don't happen to any significant degree.
Grashtel wrote:Magnetic field?? My understanding of EMP is that it's due to the energy of the bomb ionizing the atmosphere. At low altitude the effect is fairly even but at high altitude the density is low and thus it spreads much farther--and the density is variable (a lot higher at the lowest point than the highest.) Nuclear-pumped charge difference with an ionization path between them--you get the mother of all lightning bolts.

Grashtel, I need something to back that up. EM waves propagate in space as well. Solar flares have somewhat the same effect on infrastructure, and our atmosphere as man made EMPs. It would be far greater destruction caused by solar flares if not for the dispersing effect of Earth's magnetic field, our natural barrier of protection. The four levels of atmosphere exacerbates that which does get through. But without the planet's natural magnetic field, atmosphere or no. Game over.

In the link I provided, North Korea is said to be practicing high missile launches in preparation for an EMP attack by using the atmosphere as an enhancer. Because they would only get one missile shot. But low detonations would cause damage as well, though more localized EMP damage.

In space, the EMP from a large enough blast would wreak havoc on systems. As I understand it.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:46 am

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Jonathan_S wrote:
cthia wrote:Are there sidewalls to worry about while abandoning ship? Or does the computer allow exit by momentarily opening a tiny window as with Star Trek's shields?

Well a ship is supposed to cut its wedge to indicate surrender, which should happen about the time you abondon ship - losing the wedge would drop all the sidewalls.

But even if the wedge stayed up the sidewalls are 10 km off each beam so it’s unlikely a pod would be shot out with enough force to cover 10 km before exiting the rear of the wedge. (Because once your far enough out to clear the compensator field, normally maybe a km or less, the ship zips away from you at several hundred gravities of acceleration. And a buckler wall seems a limit problem as it is about the diameter of the ships max width - so unless you bale straigh out the aft of the ship any course that clears the aft hammerhead would also clear an aft buckler wall.

Seems to me about the only way you could hit a sidewalk while abandoning ship is if they were dumb enough to cut accel to zero, leave the wedge and sidewalls up, and the ship survived long enough for the pods to drift 10 km into an intact sidewall. ,
Loren Pechtel wrote:I disagree. Pods have to be leaving the ship at great speed.

1) At Hell we saw that when a ship goes up in a big boom the flash is hot enough to severely damage nearby ships. That means it's utterly unsurvivable to a mere pod.

2) We have people getting off ships just before they explode. I'm not recalling the world, but it was 4 SLN BCs that at missile salvos. With roughly 30 seconds of warning there were survivors--that means that less than 30 seconds of flight time of a pod is sufficient to get considerably farther away than the ships were at Hell. While we don't have the numbers it almost certainly has to be beyond sidewall range--why would they park ships close enough together that nobody could bring up their main drive? It's not like they didn't have space to spread out farther than that and I can't imagine a warship captain boxing themselves in like that without reason.

That is my take on it as well.

"We gots to get the hell outta Dodge! She's gonna blow!"

Also, textev in many cases have included the enemy witnessing boats, pods etc., leaving the ship like flies. Referring back to Maxx's drawing, one boat, or pod has to get the hell out of the way for all of the other flies quickly exiting the ship.

Hence, the pod's acceleration being the cause of my worry that they may make contact with the sidewall, in specific cases where the ship's acceleration is at a coasting minimum of almost nil due to severe damage and/or lack of much acceleration before damage.

But I always defer to you Jayne-heads' better judgement.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:24 am

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Grashtel wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Though that doesn't help you survive the EMP from 'nearby' laserheads targeting other ships in your fleet. Life pods are probably pretty EMP hardened, but skinsuits could have a rougher time if you had to do a manual bailout.

EMP is not an issue in space, they are the result of the interaction of the plasma from the blast with a planetary magnetic field so in the absence of that don't happen to any significant degree.
Grashtel wrote:Magnetic field?? My understanding of EMP is that it's due to the energy of the bomb ionizing the atmosphere. At low altitude the effect is fairly even but at high altitude the density is low and thus it spreads much farther--and the density is variable (a lot higher at the lowest point than the highest.) Nuclear-pumped charge difference with an ionization path between them--you get the mother of all lightning bolts.
cthia wrote:Grashtel, I need something to back that up. EM waves propagate in space as well. Solar flares have somewhat the same effect on infrastructure, and our atmosphere as man made EMPs. It would be far greater destruction caused by solar flares if not for the dispersing effect of Earth's magnetic field, our natural barrier of protection. The four levels of atmosphere exacerbates that which does get through. But without the planet's natural magnetic field, atmosphere or no. Game over.

In the link I provided, North Korea is said to be practicing high missile launches in preparation for an EMP attack by using the atmosphere as an enhancer. Because they would only get one missile shot. But low detonations would cause damage as well, though more localized EMP damage.

In space, the EMP from a large enough blast would wreak havoc on systems. As I understand it.

A nice site to do some research to back me up or not. :D

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by pappilon   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:36 am

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cthia wrote:I can't remember the particulars of Steilman and crews' incarceration. But during any unfortunate stay in the brig, is their fate left up to someone running to free them? Or is the brig too deep in the bowels of the ship that they enjoy that SOL status as well? Fate sealed, along with them?

If they are close enough to the skin of the ship, I certainly wouldn't think it is fair that someone has to waste precious time getting to them before they could head for a boat bay themselves.

I would imagine that their fate is sealed unless someone is posted at the brig continuously.

IIRC It was noted as an aside that what with all the stuff going on, Stiehlman et cie crossed no one's mind. No one even remembered they were in the brig.

Charges: conspiracy in the attempted murder of one Ginger Lewis, theft of classified documents, falsifying maintenance records, desertion. I think there were others.
The imagination has to be trained into foresight and empathy.
Ursula K. LeGuinn

Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:18 am

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Loren Pechtel wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Well a ship is supposed to cut its wedge to indicate surrender, which should happen about the time you abondon ship - losing the wedge would drop all the sidewalls.

But even if the wedge stayed up the sidewalls are 10 km off each beam so it’s unlikely a pod would be shot out with enough force to cover 10 km before exiting the rear of the wedge. (Because once your far enough out to clear the compensator field, normally maybe a km or less, the ship zips away from you at several hundred gravities of acceleration. And a buckler wall seems a limit problem as it is about the diameter of the ships max width - so unless you bale straigh out the aft of the ship any course that clears the aft hammerhead would also clear an aft buckler wall.

Seems to me about the only way you could hit a sidewalk while abandoning ship is if they were dumb enough to cut accel to zero, leave the wedge and sidewalls up, and the ship survived long enough for the pods to drift 10 km into an intact sidewall. ,

I disagree. Pods have to be leaving the ship at great speed.

1) At Hell we saw that when a ship goes up in a big boom the flash is hot enough to severely damage nearby ships. That means it's utterly unsurvivable to a mere pod.

2) We have people getting off ships just before they explode. I'm not recalling the world, but it was 4 SLN BCs that at missile salvos. With roughly 30 seconds of warning there were survivors--that means that less than 30 seconds of flight time of a pod is sufficient to get considerably farther away than the ships were at Hell. While we don't have the numbers it almost certainly has to be beyond sidewall range--why would they park ships close enough together that nobody could bring up their main drive? It's not like they didn't have space to spread out farther than that and I can't imagine a warship captain boxing themselves in like that without reason.
"Drift" probably wasn't the right word; that does have a connotation of lazy movement whereas I just meant largely without further acceleration not that they had minimal initial velocity.

At Hades Farnese was "less than six hundred kilometers" from the exploding battlecruiser. To get even that far away in the 30 seconds you specified you'd need at least 135 gees of acceleration. (I'm assuming that the pod launcher can't throw a 10 man pod at the 72,000 km/h it would take to cover that distance without further accel)
That's a fairly hefty drive, and the description of life pods in HAE doesn't seem to include allowance for that.
Honor Among Enemies wrote:The number of people who could expect to get out of a ship lost to battle damage would be low, but someone almost always made it—unless the damned ship blew up, of course—and ships could be lost to other causes. That was what the pods were for. In deep space, they were little more than life support bubbles fitted with transponders which both sides were supposedly duty bound to pick up after an engagement, but they were also designed to be capable of independent atmospheric entry if there should happen to be a habitable planet handy when disaster struck.
At Steilman's direction, Showforth had built and Stennis and Illyushin had installed an unobtrusive little box in the circuits which monitored Pod 184. When the time came, that box would be turned on, and it would continue to report that the ten-man pod was exactly where it was supposed to be, with every system at standby, when, in fact, it was somewhere else entirely.
A drive at least half the power of an old LAC's and the energy to run it seems like a lot of functionality to be covered by "little more than". And the quote seems to imply people don't escape when the ship blows up - which could include anybody in nearby pods when it blows. However most ships don't explode like that - when you abandon ship you'd scram the reactors and drop the wedge. The hulk might get blasted apart by more fire from the enemy but once the fusion reactors are safed it's not going to catastrophically explode wiping out everybody nearby.

But also remember that at Hades Farnese had "Only her standard, station-keeping particle screens were up, and those were intended mainly to keep dust from accumulating on her hull. They had never been intended to deal with something like this". We don't know how much more effective the full rad shields, uses to ward off relativistic particles, would have been - and I could much more easily see lifepods "little more" including heavy rad shields than including a powerful impeller drive.

But yes, if a ship kept its wedge and sidewalls up a pod accelerating straight out from the broadside couldn't accelerate at more than ~6% as hard as the ship, for the worst case - an SD, or it would hit the sidewall before exiting the aft end of the wedge. But then with that kind of accel you could just aim for the open end of the wedge - no reason to aim yourself at a sidewall.
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:09 am

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Loren Pechtel wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Well a ship is supposed to cut its wedge to indicate surrender, which should happen about the time you abondon ship - losing the wedge would drop all the sidewalls.

But even if the wedge stayed up the sidewalls are 10 km off each beam so it’s unlikely a pod would be shot out with enough force to cover 10 km before exiting the rear of the wedge. (Because once your far enough out to clear the compensator field, normally maybe a km or less, the ship zips away from you at several hundred gravities of acceleration. And a buckler wall seems a limit problem as it is about the diameter of the ships max width - so unless you bale straigh out the aft of the ship any course that clears the aft hammerhead would also clear an aft buckler wall.

Seems to me about the only way you could hit a sidewalk while abandoning ship is if they were dumb enough to cut accel to zero, leave the wedge and sidewalls up, and the ship survived long enough for the pods to drift 10 km into an intact sidewall. ,

I disagree. Pods have to be leaving the ship at great speed.

1) At Hell we saw that when a ship goes up in a big boom the flash is hot enough to severely damage nearby ships. That means it's utterly unsurvivable to a mere pod.

2) We have people getting off ships just before they explode. I'm not recalling the world, but it was 4 SLN BCs that at missile salvos. With roughly 30 seconds of warning there were survivors--that means that less than 30 seconds of flight time of a pod is sufficient to get considerably farther away than the ships were at Hell. While we don't have the numbers it almost certainly has to be beyond sidewall range--why would they park ships close enough together that nobody could bring up their main drive? It's not like they didn't have space to spread out farther than that and I can't imagine a warship captain boxing themselves in like that without reason.
Jonathan_S wrote:"Drift" probably wasn't the right word; that does have a connotation of lazy movement whereas I just meant largely without further acceleration not that they had minimal initial velocity.

At Hades Farnese was "less than six hundred kilometers" from the exploding battlecruiser. To get even that far away in the 30 seconds you specified you'd need at least 135 gees of acceleration. (I'm assuming that the pod launcher can't throw a 10 man pod at the 72,000 km/h it would take to cover that distance without further accel)
That's a fairly hefty drive, and the description of life pods in HAE doesn't seem to include allowance for that.
Honor Among Enemies wrote:The number of people who could expect to get out of a ship lost to battle damage would be low, but someone almost always made it—unless the damned ship blew up, of course—and ships could be lost to other causes. That was what the pods were for. In deep space, they were little more than life support bubbles fitted with transponders which both sides were supposedly duty bound to pick up after an engagement, but they were also designed to be capable of independent atmospheric entry if there should happen to be a habitable planet handy when disaster struck.
At Steilman's direction, Showforth had built and Stennis and Illyushin had installed an unobtrusive little box in the circuits which monitored Pod 184. When the time came, that box would be turned on, and it would continue to report that the ten-man pod was exactly where it was supposed to be, with every system at standby, when, in fact, it was somewhere else entirely.
A drive at least half the power of an old LAC's and the energy to run it seems like a lot of functionality to be covered by "little more than". And the quote seems to imply people don't escape when the ship blows up - which could include anybody in nearby pods when it blows. However most ships don't explode like that - when you abandon ship you'd scram the reactors and drop the wedge. The hulk might get blasted apart by more fire from the enemy but once the fusion reactors are safed it's not going to catastrophically explode wiping out everybody nearby.

But also remember that at Hades Farnese had "Only her standard, station-keeping particle screens were up, and those were intended mainly to keep dust from accumulating on her hull. They had never been intended to deal with something like this". We don't know how much more effective the full rad shields, uses to ward off relativistic particles, would have been - and I could much more easily see lifepods "little more" including heavy rad shields than including a powerful impeller drive.

But yes, if a ship kept its wedge and sidewalls up a pod accelerating straight out from the broadside couldn't accelerate at more than ~6% as hard as the ship, for the worst case - an SD, or it would hit the sidewall before exiting the aft end of the wedge. But then with that kind of accel you could just aim for the open end of the wedge - no reason to aim yourself at a sidewall.

I suppose my previous preconceived notion of pods being shot out like photon torpedoes aboard the Enterprise may be in error. I always imagined their initial trajectory to be totally up to the ship's launching mechanism. No?

The passage you posted, Jonathan, could reference the ship blowing up before any evacuation order could be given (golden BB) or effected. It doesn't seem as if abandoning ship in the face of an impending exploding fusion bottle isn't doable. BUT! Perhaps that is part of the reason why fusion bottles are ejectable, or rather, since they are ejectable, abandoning ship isn't warranted. But as I understand it, ejecting fusion bottles is not possible on all ships. So unless abandoning ship in the face of an imminent bottle explosion is doable and survivable... well, it just seems the pods should be shot out with enough acceleration to clear the impending explosion. But in that case it begs pod inertial compensation requirements? ::shrug::

Also, if the bottle is going to be ejected, there better not be any pods or boats in the same vicinity.

Does anyone recall an abandon ship order being issued because of an imminent fusion bottle explosion?

Perhaps simply, there generally isn't enough time between recognition of fusion bottle containment probs and destruction, to actually abandon ship.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:58 am

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Would skinsuits be able to handle some of the enormous gees inferred by the acceleration required to clear a ship's impending fusion bottle explosion?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by MaxxQ   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:22 pm


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cthia wrote: Does anyone recall an abandon ship order being issued because of an imminent fusion bottle explosion?

Perhaps simply, there generally isn't enough time between recognition of fusion bottle containment probs and destruction, to actually abandon ship.

There might be enough time to cut the fuel flow to the containment bottle, but if so, it's measured in at most, a few seconds. Cutting the fuel is the only sure way to "safe" a failing fusion reactor, and if the flow can't be stopped before containment failure... BOOM.

As for the question earlier about pods clearing the sidewalls, I thought I had made it clear earlier that wedge and sidewalls would be DOWN when an abandon ship order is given. Any ship commander that gave an order to abandon ship with wedge and/or sidewalls UP should be court-martialed if he survives.
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:14 pm

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MaxxQ wrote:
cthia wrote: Does anyone recall an abandon ship order being issued because of an imminent fusion bottle explosion?

Perhaps simply, there generally isn't enough time between recognition of fusion bottle containment probs and destruction, to actually abandon ship.

There might be enough time to cut the fuel flow to the containment bottle, but if so, it's measured in at most, a few seconds. Cutting the fuel is the only sure way to "safe" a failing fusion reactor, and if the flow can't be stopped before containment failure... BOOM.

As for the question earlier about pods clearing the sidewalls, I thought I had made it clear earlier that wedge and sidewalls would be DOWN when an abandon ship order is given. Any ship commander that gave an order to abandon ship with wedge and/or sidewalls UP should be court-martialed if he survives.

Unless you can eject the core?

But that would make the reality of having to abandon ship -- for whatever reason -- a no go until you can lower the sidewalls, yet you can't lower the sidewalls because some asshole of a navy continues to shoot at you seem preposterous. No?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: How To Abandon Ship?
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:19 pm

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Maxx, where is the core ejection tube located on appropriate ships so I won't be like Johnny?...

"Johnny was a spacer, but Johnny was a boob. For what he thought was a boarding site was a core-ejection tube."

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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