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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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George J. Smith
Posts: 873
Surely the Mesan ships that were dropping KEWs on the residential towers would have independent records that would prove there were no missiles traces from Mike's fleet?
T&R GJS A man should live forever, or die in the attempt Spider Robinson Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (1977) A voice is heard in Ramah |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 2425
Uh-huh. And who has possession of all those ships after their surrender and so --- purely coincidentally, of course --- finds herself in the perfect position to doctor/eliminate/erase or otherwise . . . modify said records before "discovering" them and providing them to the galaxy as proof positive of her innocence? Someone named "Henke," I believe. If you're willing to entertain the notion that a Manticoran fleet carried out a deliberate Eridani Edict violation, then you're certainly willing to question any evidence proving their innocence that comes from a Manticoran cntrolled source. And there is no way in the universe that Mike can argue that she didn't have control of every sensor platform in the system by the time the nukes went off. Even if she actually didn't. "Oh, bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead. |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 11360
Oh, come on. They are in the hands of the Manties now, so you can’t trust anything they have. And besides that, they leveled half the city when they took down the first tower, so they are obviously completely incompetent or in league with the manties. |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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George J. Smith
Posts: 873
I get the distinct impression that 10th fleet is being set up as a whipping boy for plot purposes. .
T&R GJS A man should live forever, or die in the attempt Spider Robinson Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (1977) A voice is heard in Ramah |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 3595
3.57am your time. Shouldn't you be sleeping the sleep of the just so you can finish the Honorverse and Safehold? 5.51 pm my time, so I'm ok.
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 11360
The MA is nothing if not willing to make use of these fortunate coincidences that occasionally happen. Some people might argue that these happen more often and are easier to take advantages of when they are not coincidences, but that’s just crazy mantie talk. The fact that a RMN intel officer and a RHN intel officer were actually directly involved in the green pines terror attack is something that makes things a bit harder for the Manties and a bit easier for the alignment and the “journalists” taking dictation from the SL’s propaganda arm, which is pretty much controlled by MA aligned officials. |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 2425
I should. But I'm enjoying a migraine and the meds that go with it. Sleep . . . is not high on the list of possible achievements at the moment. "Oh, bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead. |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 2164
How about all those security and/or personal cameras capturing the impacts coupled with sensors on independent ships? There would be enough information to backtrack the trajectories, but in the current climate I guess it's easier to ignore it and just blame Henke as a handy scapegoat. Those darn conspiracy nuts has no contact with reality.... --- Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer. Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool. |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 144
Remember there's also going to be a push in that direction from both the SL and from the MLalign. The SL would love for the RMN to do EE strikes, as its maybe the one thing that would unify the League (besides an EE strike on a member system). The real MAlignment strategy I think is intentionally starting a round of EE strikes and then counter EE strikes. They want mutual atrocities. They want the Final War league wide. They also want Beowulf discredited. It's only when the Renaissance Factor, led by Darius, steps in to bring back sanity, and to reveal the Beowulf life code to be a lie, can they *win*. |
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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet? | |
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Posts: 2164
Well, considering the snippet we are discussing the MAlign seems intent to muddy the waters even more and that will as some speculate probably come back and bite them in the ass in the future. --- Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer. Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool. |
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