pappilon wrote:cthia wrote:
About Technodyne, your point (2) regarding the effect of collapsing Technodyne would be a good thing, no?
However (3) has always been a source of my discomfort. Technodyne doesn't know what's going on in the Haven sector -- or rather they didn't, which begs the question of whether their design limitations aren't inherent, but rather are rooted in perception instead of conception. IOW, now that the SLN has informed them of the range of Manty missiles that they are now looking into the matter and it will only be a matter of time. Which also makes one appreciate the RMN's policy from the beginning of never unveiling Apollo's true range. As my sister is fond of saying, "There are spies amongst the flies on the wall."
(1) IFF all of Teledyne's manufacturing, R&D etc is solely located at Yildun, Taking Yildun collapses Technodyne. textev
suggests such is not the case. If you seize corporate HQ you deal the corporaton a blow, but the pieces should be able to continue as long as the orders and payments come pouring in.
(2) Granted Technodyne does not know
how whatever is going on is going on. However we have 2 neobarbs hurtling rocks at each other. (A) IIRC in the beginning it was Plucky Little Manticore about to be crushed by the Evil Empire of Haven. Then suddenly Manticore the-not-so-plucky-little ws handing the EE its head in every engagement.(B) EE starts cadging tech from the suppliers to the biggest baddest a-number-1 fleet in the known universe. Big cheer goes up: Now those thevin' connivin' cargo stealin' Manties will get theirs. Except ... they don't. If Technodyne does not have a clue that
something is going on then (C) there is a cessation of hostilities and when it resumes EE is no longer interested in your top=of=the-line tech. yet the war goes on.
Granted the SLN is clueless, who cares about two neobarbs throwing rocks at each other? Technodyne knows what is going on, it is probably
not ignoring all those observers, they did develop pods for system defense after all. Even Haven and her tech witchiness have trouble reverse engineering Manty tech. they figure out what but do their own thing about how.
Yes the supplier of munitions et al to the biggest baddest fleet in the universe is a little myopic, the SLN has no real interest in weapons development besides tweaks in electronics, materials, etc. Technodyne has no monetary interest in developing new and exotic weapons systems that the only conceivable purchaser does not want. Without the fear of being engulfed by ... anyone, there is no perceived need for spending relatively scarce money on spurious R&D programs.