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"Bleek" - What does this sound like?

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"Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by Jeslis   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:06 pm

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Recently been rereading the series... again... and it struck me that I really couldn't imagine what this 'bleek' sound.. sounds like.

I've had a few cats over my life here.. and I can obviously identify the varying degrees of “Mrrowow” and “Maaorrao!” -(I googled these as for the life of me, had no idea how to 'spell' a cat sound.)- to mean such things as 'pet me now' 'food please' 'remove force field please' (glass door).

But I simply don't have the.. animal experience? to equate what 'Bleek' and/or its associated tonals to mean different things.. sounds like.

Obviously I'd love it if Mr. Weber popped in with some youtube clip of what he believes it sounds like.. but I'll take anything if anyone wants to toss actual sound bytes of what you think a 'bleek' sounds like my way.
Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by roseandheather   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:25 pm


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If you've ever heard a cat chirp, I'm guessing it sounds something like that. For example: For reference, my mother and I used to approximate one of our cats' notably lovely trill as "Breeep! Breeep!" which isn't too far off.

It's a sound Maine Coons in particular are renowned for, and treecats are remarkably 'Coon-like in their description - well, aside from the extra pair of legs.

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Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by isaac_newton   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 4:47 pm

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roseandheather wrote:If you've ever heard a cat chirp, I'm guessing it sounds something like that. For example: For reference, my mother and I used to approximate one of our cats' notably lovely trill as "Breeep! Breeep!" which isn't too far off.

It's a sound Maine Coons in particular are renowned for, and treecats are remarkably 'Coon-like in their description - well, aside from the extra pair of legs.

We had a ginger Maine Coon - a lovely creature :D
and yup - she too made that trill - especially in her younger days!
Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by Theemile   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:00 pm

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isaac_newton wrote:
roseandheather wrote:If you've ever heard a cat chirp, I'm guessing it sounds something like that. For example: For reference, my mother and I used to approximate one of our cats' notably lovely trill as "Breeep! Breeep!" which isn't too far off.

It's a sound Maine Coons in particular are renowned for, and treecats are remarkably 'Coon-like in their description - well, aside from the extra pair of legs.

We had a ginger Maine Coon - a lovely creature :D
and yup - she too made that trill - especially in her younger days!

The 3 Maine Coons my parents have had always made a "mrrrp..." trilling sound when hunting. The "BleeK" is close to the one of the sounds made by my 3 Siberian Forest cats (one of the parent breeds of the Main Coon).
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Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by filbert   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:18 pm

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I'd guess if you have ever heard a cat "chirp," you know approximately what a "bleek" sounds like.

EDIT: I guess I should really read through the entire thread before posting . . .
Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by Jeslis   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:27 pm

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roseandheather wrote:If you've ever heard a cat chirp, I'm guessing it sounds something like that. For example: For reference, my mother and I used to approximate one of our cats' notably lovely trill as "Breeep! Breeep!" which isn't too far off.

It's a sound Maine Coons in particular are renowned for, and treecats are remarkably 'Coon-like in their description - well, aside from the extra pair of legs.

I've never heard these sounds from my cats!.. but you are right in that they are more 'bleek'-ish! Thank you for this.
Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by pappilon   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 10:51 pm

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Jeslis wrote:
roseandheather wrote:If you've ever heard a cat chirp, I'm guessing it sounds something like that. For example: For reference, my mother and I used to approximate one of our cats' notably lovely trill as "Breeep! Breeep!" which isn't too far off.

It's a sound Maine Coons in particular are renowned for, and treecats are remarkably 'Coon-like in their description - well, aside from the extra pair of legs.

I've never heard these sounds from my cats!.. but you are right in that they are more 'bleek'-ish! Thank you for this.

Had a [recently died] American short hair and an English short hair. The parrot has several versions of meow in his repertoire. I imagine Bleek has more than one tonal variant. from mild humor to OMG I peed my fur.
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Re: "Bleek" - What does this sound like?
Post by runsforcelery   » Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:08 pm

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roseandheather wrote:If you've ever heard a cat chirp, I'm guessing it sounds something like that. For example: For reference, my mother and I used to approximate one of our cats' notably lovely trill as "Breeep! Breeep!" which isn't too far off.

It's a sound Maine Coons in particular are renowned for, and treecats are remarkably 'Coon-like in their description - well, aside from the extra pair of legs.

That's actually pretty close to the sound I had in mind. Once upon a time, I had two really big male gray tabbies — Leonardo and Bombur — who between them (as I think I've posted here before) were the inspiration for Nimitz. They were born in my closet, to a domestic shorthair mom and a dad who had enough bobcat in him to give him the mask and the tufted years. Nimitz has Leonardo's sense of humor and Bombur's brain. Now, I'd lost both of them by the time Flag in Exile came out, but Bombur, in particular made a sound very like that one (when he wasn't deciding that he had to crank out the maximum-decibel "meeeeOWWWWWWW" to get my attention, at least).

Since the treecats don't have an exact terrestrial parallel, I envision the sound as being somewhat deeper (and louder) than the one in the YouTube section. You could add just a touch of the Roadrunner from the old Roadrunner and Wylie Coyote cartoons. Not much. Just a teeny soupcon to give it a little more depth and resonance.

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