"What's that foul smell in the air?" Asked Protector Benjamin.
"Say again Mistress Thorn?"
"It's not a "foul" smell, Protector, it's a "fowl" smell. Guess who's coming to dinner. Honor and that metabolistic miscreant of a teenage mutant ninja chicken slayer are coming. Whenever the two of 'em visit together, we have to execute
all of the chickens in the orbital habitat. My kitchen turns into a slaughter house when the two of them show up in tandem."
All of them?"
All of them. In fact, I hear the chickens are learning sign language so they can tell Raoul to 'Eat more
turkey, the other white meat that tastes like chicken.'"
"I swear, those two are going to eat us out of house and home."
"Don't you mean house and planet, Protector?"


"Wait! The chickens are learning sign language?"
"Well, yes. Dr. Arif says it seems to be some sort of adaptation called 'chicken scratch.' "