Mamalecki wrote:If the sollies in there Beowulf verdict declare that succession is illegal then that changes the Constitution. Then run a economic emergency act with plans to subsidy build fighters to improve the economy paid for with a limited tax that is for the duration to pay for federal government expenses ( leave that part vague) and get the transtellers to help pass it with there influence and there you go
Sounds like what the opposition tried on Manticore. The issue would not be easily resolved. Everyone opposed to the mandarins would be screaming. On top of that, it provides an incentive to get out of the League. Chances are, a handful of major transstellar corps would get the business. That's business as usual. Everyone else would be ticked. One reason planets stay in the League is that taxes for it are only on shipped goods. Change that and a lot of places might revolt.
Also, the tech is far enough behind that even Kingsford feels only commerce raiders would work. That means no real victories probably for years...while the taxes keep coming. And it's likely that the Grand Alliance will quickly learn where the work is being done and send fleets to destroy the work.
It's not easy to get to the top and really hard to stay there when difficult decisions have to be made. The mandarins have never really been tested.
That will change.