How do we pass the time until the next wonderful installment flowing from his... darn it, pen doesn't work due to his speech-to-text software... computer.
Now, Books are what we like, but they take up space on the shelves and reduce the finances available for buying Weber's stuff. However, the Internet is a lot cheaper, so... online stories!
I've stumbled across a few and of the original stories, I found these ones interesting...
Worm (Complete) (Warning - long!)
Probably the most famous Web Novel, Worm follows a young woman as she goes deeper into the world of Superheroes and Supervillains, uncovering truths that threaten the very existence of Earth.
Symbiote (Complete)
An ancient conspiracy remakes a man into far more than he ever was before.
The Ancient (Incomplete/Abandoned)
Many species have come together to solve the mystery of an ancient relic and its mysterious and long-vanished creators... Humanity.
The Gods Are Bastards (Complete)
A collection of stories set in a well-realized fantasy land.
The Jenkinsverse (Story collection)
The many civilized species are in shock that a sentient race has emerged from a Level 12 Deathworld. Humanity is here. And it is really annoyed.
I hope that these help you pass the time until the next Weber book arrives and if anyone else knows of any good Web Novels or online stories, please rec them!