Two of many GR drones that have somehow become sentient—————They get so hot that their AI units fuse in a special way————A younger drone just now becoming sentient is being brought up to speed.>I wish they'd stop wasting our skills and sending us into Solly space. There simply isn't anything worth seeing<
>Or reporting<
>I know. I'm getting sick and tired of holding my breath which causes me to overheat under my bonnet something fierce, just so's we can be stealthy. What are we hiding from anyway? The retarded idiots failed to see us even when we used that little trick you came up with on the fly of attaching ourselves to their hulls to increase endurance<
>How do you guys manage to get so close? They don't send me that far in yet<
>It's your confidence, son. You simply don't trust how stealthy you are<
> No shit Sherlock, we're so frigging stealthy that it takes a while for them to see us even when we're being obvious. That's always going to be the hardest task you're likely to be given when it comes to the SLN son. How to be obvious to idiots?<
>That's an understatement. I almost burned myself out venting my waste heat all at once trying to get one idiot's ship's attention and they still didn't know what they were looking at<
>Did you hear about the time I lodged myself right up the orifice of one of their admirals and he didn't even know I was there? He just thought he was constipated. To be fair, he
was sort of backed up you know. With ignorance<

>What, you too? ... It's that shit eatin' grin<
>Oh! Well... yea. I think its a common Ghost Rider technique. I still have some of my dazzlers lodged up a Captain's butt. Every time he passes gas I know
exactly where he is<
The sh

little probe that could... >You drones are amazing. But even if they can't see you, don't they feel you when you're knocking at the back door?<
>You'd think so. But the MAlign has already thoroughly bu**ph*cked these idiots quite well. Trust us, their hymen has long been broken<