An example of the detail would be that a naturally progressive person like me might decide that treating people equally included some assistance to those disadvantaged by prejudice in society, while a conservative would say equal means exactly that.
Yeah sure, but THAT is not a problem, because in that case, you either do something to help a group of people, or you at least make sure they´re not treated worse than anyone else, either way is a win and perfectly fine morally speaking.
I try to behave ethically, right down to not dealing with companies who treat their staff or the environment badly.
Yeah, if you go by the basic idea that if YOU wouldn´t work there yourself if you had any kind of choice, due to how the company treats employees, then it´s probably not a place others would want to stay either.
However freedom of religion (like speech) is an important principle, although only if they don't harm people.
I'm not fond of any religion, regarding them all as long running con tricks set up for their priestly castes, but Islam in particular is furtherest from my values.
Oh goodness, there´s lots of religions much worse than islam.
And there´s a galactic chasm of difference between the fanatics(and the ones just exploiting it) and the rest, just like within christianity and many other religions.
Go take a close look on so called "scientology" and you will get seriously creeped out.