There, said it. Got that off my chest. 'Whew!' What a load off too.
And while you're at it, get Abigail in on it too. You know you wanna. You know you wanna RFC.
Oh yea, throw roseandheather a bone if you're feeling chivalrous and even if you're not. Of all the readers on the forum, she was as close to being a prisoner on Hades as anyone. Throw a bone our way too for seeing her suffer for so many years. Especially with all of the money you've cost her in tissue alone. Cost us a pretty penny too. Many people were sending her e-tissue.
Note: You can kill these two birds with one stone by getting Higgins off the bench! Send him in the game with at least a *Hail Mary.
*I find Hail Mary used in this sense really rather fascinating.
Wiki The original Mary
This is my one true hope and aspiration, if I'm honest; other than keeping Honor alive.

Authors of the days of my early age of innocence didn't have to put up with this shit. Blame it all on the technology—the internet and the Honorverse. Alcohol won't have to take the fall for this one for a change. Alvin Toffler and George Orwell warned us about the coming stench of this sticky kind of smelly baby caca.
Did we listen? Oh nooooo!