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So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of part 2?

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by lyonheart   » Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:38 am

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Hi IsraelSmith,

Since Paityr Wyllsyn revealed the archangels were returning in ten years back in 894, there are only 5-6 years left before whatever returns from where only RFC knows.

Since that hasn't transformed Safehold or prevented the war with steam power on both sides 20 years from now, the result is apparently closely held by the inner circle but may be discovered by a CoGA member, though RFC has stated Cayleb accidentally revealed too much too soon.

I hope we get it next year since Safehold's been about one a year since 2007.


israelsmith wrote:I know exactly what I'm expecting with the next novel.

I'm expecting that we will jump straight to 20 years in the future with the major players conversing about the "last 20 years", possibly some we will have lost due to accident or natural causes depending on who was treated with nanites over the years and who wasn't.

I'm expecting some light-hearted adventure possibly to open things up, some more sappy love stuff that a lot of us eat up from our old favorite couples, and major advancements under the mountain (and abroad of course). However, I'm talking about resources to be able to actually attack/diable/takeover the orbital platform, hack the temple remotely, preparations against the possible "return", and to help bootstrap the rest of humanity.

I think that Owl and a couple others will have actually begun working on theoretical advances that were being discussed (even if its only incremental from last-gen earth tech) near the end of the final days. After all that's the real mission, the true end goal and endgame.

I expect that some sort of ambassadorial or even united nations or united churches sort of organization will have developed fomenting a greater peace religiously and secularly.

I expect the new religions to have solidified and see the new Northern Harchong church and possibly even one or two others that weren't alluded to.

I expect possibly one brief altercation to have occurred between non-Charisian nation-states from the after effects of the Jihad, even if its only something between North and South Harchong, possibly even some sort of Korean DMZ zone being setup.

Of course I also expect the "return" becoming the major contention. However, I see a slow return, something where a lot of activity starts to happen possibly not even entirely from underneath the temple, maybe from multiple locations. I would think that in this scenario, that the big reveal would actually be at the end of the book. So we don't know what we're up against until the end.

I don't forsee PICAs coming on-line, but not exactly "Archangels" either. I could see the characters finding out to their dread that their network had been hacked or at least errant wireless data having been captured and then decrypted from even before the initial attack or launch. I could even see a direct assault on Nimue's cave occurring near the end and them having to destroy it kind of like a rough Empire Strikes Back ending.

In that scenario I would then think the next book after that would show that because we had other working on the "more advanced" or experimental federation tech that a secondary site had been set up.

Then again I'm probably totally wrong and we'll simply have an Archangel appear from underneath the temple and revitalize the Church after discovering to their horror the changes wrought during their stasis/hibernation starting a new Jihad or War of the Fallen 2. Maybe our heroes will have been smart enough in that scenario to have disabled all the satellites no longer necessary and kept the Mountains signature low and wireless connection turned off to stay under the radar of a possible return.

The possibilities are endless, can't wait either way! Oh how I wish we already had snippets!
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by Randomiser   » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:52 am

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Peter2 wrote:***AtSoT Spoilerish***

Also, whence came the stuff that finally broke Clyntahn's spirit? I'm assuming it's from Nimue's Cave somewhere, but if Merlin, Owl, or Nahrman had already seen it, then it would have been somewhat relevant to some of the answers that the Sisters of Kohdy were looking for.

More grist for the mill of the next book, maybe! ;)

Considering that it was all left there by Kau Yung, and therefore, by definition, came from some time before the War of the Fallen, I don't see how any of it could have addressed the Sisters issues. They were all about Kohdy and what happened to him.
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by cnrd22   » Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:07 am

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Let me try my hand at prediction for next series;

- I think it will start with a glimpse into the opponent movers of the series - whether it's a Langhorne/Schueler/some other player programmed AI coming on line - if you want the counterpart of Merlin, embodied or not - and realizing, oops, things did not go to plan, let's start doing something about it, and/or a secret group that monitors Safehold to stay within the plan/go with their plan (the counterparts of the Brethren if you want) who couldn't/didn't interfere into the war for various reasons and start planning (and we may even have them able to detect and avoid Merlin's surveillance tech, so explaining why the main heroes did not know about them)

This would happen soon after the war, or maybe within the war and we'll have some "well that happened because" moments (DW is really fond of those as in HH we saw Haven's People Republic as the main antagonists and maybe the Solarian League as the ones farther down the line from the beginning but had no clue about the Alignment until long into the series when we started getting the "that happened also because..")

After that we will go to the current geopolitical situation as people above described it - an intolerant North Harchong and others, technology advancements, a weak or maybe resurgent Temple (could see it either way) etc etc, the current happenings on a personal level (kids growing up etc etc)

And then obviously the conflict is going to erupt and be bloody

Overall my main prediction is that the "Archangels returning" will play in a very different way that anyone thinks and will be more like the Alignment being there always and manipulating stuff than the return of the bad guys in the Dahak series (that's next with the Gbaba)
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by Ieldra   » Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:45 am


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Good to hear there *will* be a part 2. I just finished AtSoT an hour ago and while I was very satisfied, I got the conflicted impression of an ending with unresolved plot aspects.
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by NervousEnergy   » Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:34 pm

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Randomiser wrote:Lots depends on his health and whether he feels he needs to be slowing down a bit. But on previous form I imagine, and hope, that you might be right. There could well be a bit of a hiccup now though. He may well want to do Sword of the South #2 to get the series rolling, since the main Honorverse sequence only has one book left, and even get even Multiverse #4 out. (If #3 sold well enough). That would then let him roll out one SoS, one Safehold and one Manticore Ascendent/Other for the next few years which would help protect his income as the kids get set to go off to college in few years. (Sorry to be so basic, but RFC looks like he kind of enjoys eating regularly. :D )

Much also depends on the contracts he's signed. IIRC, the original deal with Tor was for 8 books, and we've ended this series with 9. We'll have to see if he's signed on for another series or if he's doing them as one-offs that would give him more scheduling flexibility. From what I gather these have been popular, profitable books for Tor, so they'll probably want to nail Himself down for as much as he's willing to commit to.

Kind of like CJ Cherryh with the Foreigner series. Not really a huge fan of that setting... I much prefer her Merchanter universe books, but the sales and contract for Foreigner drive the schedule.
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by Keith_w   » Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:56 pm


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NervousEnergy wrote:
Kind of like CJ Cherryh with the Foreigner series. Not really a huge fan of that setting... I much prefer her Merchanter universe books, but the sales and contract for Foreigner drive the schedule.

Glad I am not the only one who feels that way. I liked the series when it started but it has dragged on way too long. The Downbelow/Merchanter stories are so much better because even though they are in a common universe they are not absolutely linked together. On the other hand I love the Chanur and Gates series which are all totally linked together.
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by ecortez   » Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:07 pm

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I can't see the mystery of What's Under The Temple hanging there all this time only to come to nothing. There's something significant under there. The only question being, what? At this point both the Allies and the Church have gone beyond the bounds of the Proscriptions in their technology. Twenty more years or so means further advances and the spread of industrialization across the planet - perhaps less so in Northern Harchong and/or Desnair, but even they would have to grudgingly accept the new methods, as slowly and with as much heel dragging as possible. More importantly though, the technical way of thinking will have spread universally in the process. You'll have an entire generation brought up and educated to think a lot more like their ancestors from 20th century Earth than pre-Merlin Safehold.

It'll be interesting to see whether the main conflict in the second series will be among the nations of Safehold or against the Archangels (or their proxies). Maybe a little of both. Some of those less progressive realms may decide to throw in with the Archangels, seeing them as the champions of the True Church come at last to liberate the world from the grip of Shan-Wei. Presumably we'd see some of them equipped with advanced weapons like the old school seijins and sent into battle.

I doubt the Archangels' forces would be able to hack the Inner Circle's communications or locate Nimue's Cave (at least not remotely, right away) because it was Kau-Yung's people who provided their equipment. Langhorne and his group were using civilian tech, not military, and unless the Terran Federation was very different from other human nations in wartime the military would've had gear as much as a decade or two ahead of what was available to the general public. The type of stealth that Merlin and Nimue's skimmers use would probably also be undetectable to whatever sensors the Archangels had (although they might have to avoid going supersonic to stay hidden).

Does anyone know if they ever positively confirmed that Langhorne's ship Hamilcar was really disposed of? Could it be somewhere else in the system in sleep mode, waiting to return at the appointed time?
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by C. O. Thompson   » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:04 pm

C. O. Thompson
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Keith_w wrote:Now that his mighty wizardness has finished the first part of the war against the Gbaba, when will book 1 of "Twenty years after - the BIG reveal" be available?


I have to say, I read your headline on Sunday night and had two thoughts... First was, how the h**l do people get their copies so far ahead of release date to have finished it?

The second was... :( this is the kind of guy that walks out of a movie theater while you are standing line to see the next showing and says "The butler did it" :cry:

So, I left the thread alone till I finished.

I hope it will not take more time till the next book in the series that the gap between this and the last one but, OMG almost need a wagon to carry this one.
I was up to page 65 on my kindle version when UPS delivered the hard bound of this and SoV.

I don't know how long we have to wait but I do see Thrisk coming into the inner circle (along with his geek) and most of the Helm Cleaver's, sisters of St Kohdy and the top offices from the Mighty Host.

The only thing that remains, like an itch I cannot scratch is the mystery under the temple, though I am glad that Merlin found the back door in.

I think that we all suspected that Merlin did not spend any time checking it out but... what is that line from (I think it's) The Hound of the Baskervilles about the dog that did not bark... Remember that Clyanthn thoughts after his last meal include that he has seen this files before so, maybe they did check it out.
Last edited by C. O. Thompson on Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Just my 2 ₡ worth
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by C. O. Thompson   » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:12 pm

C. O. Thompson
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Ieldra wrote:Good to hear there *will* be a part 2. I just finished AtSoT an hour ago and while I was very satisfied, I got the conflicted impression of an ending with unresolved plot aspects.

Welcome to the back room... let me buy you a drink! If we lived in CO or MA, I might try a cup of strong tea ;)

I understand what you mean by unresolved plot aspects, though there are very few from my perspective. I think that David did an extraordinary job of tying up lose ends...
There is still that "what is under the temple but, I don't get the impression that Robair (or any one outside of the Inquisition know anything about.
That said, it will still be necessary to get into the room and, at least put safeguards on the system.
Just my 2 ₡ worth
Re: So, part 1 done, when do we get our first glimpse of par
Post by ecortez   » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:32 pm

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C. O. Thompson wrote:The only thing that remains, like an itch I cannot scratch is the mystery under the temple, though I am glad that Merlin found the back door in.

I think that we all suspected that Merlin did not spend any time checking it out but... what is that line from (I think it's) The Hound of the Baskervilles about the dog that did not bark... Remember that Clyanthn thoughts after his last meal include that he has seen this files before so, maybe they did check it out.

There's always been the concern that a PICA entering the Temple's perimeter might trigger some response. At this point, since no one else apparently knows about the secret room (they would've activated it during the uprising if they had) it's probably better to let sleeping dogs lie. Even if someone like Paityr Wylsynn simply entered the chamber for a look around after a thousand years of no activity it could prompt sensors in the Temple - and the orbital ones as well - to do an automatic check. Oh, what do we have here? Industrial emissions! Best to get the industrialization of Safehold as far along as possible first. Because at some point they will be forced to deal with whatever's down there.

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