Daryl wrote:A minor point. For any US citizens complaining about the outsiders here not having a stake in your election, the crazy scenario where the FBI's stating that they are looking into emails held by a third party that just possibly might on the 32nd day of some unknown month have a tenuous connection to Clinton, caused the polls to bounce towards Trump, this has led to a variable slide of stock markets world wide averaging about 1.5%, which in turn has slashed several thousand dollars out of my retirement stash. I'm tempted to buy gold in case he wins.
Sorry, Daryl, but you are off the mark. Clinton destroyed governmental records housed in a private server through gross negligence. The FBI found this to be true and stated this in July. That investigation should have uncovered this source (Weiner) of additional emails as part of a thorough investigation. It did not, but has since discovered them in another investigation. That has led the FBI investigating not only her and her staff's handling of confidential information, but also the Clinton Foundation.
They faced a quandary. Allow the American voter to vote with incomplete information or divulge the information so that we can make a decision based on as complete information as possible. Comey chose to do the honorable thing just as he did in July (much as that prior decision irked me). The timing sucked but so what? Allowing the American voter to elect a President under investigation without knowing it is truly playing the Pretorian Guard.
You can wish that we elected someone under criminal investigation to comfort your sense of concern. I for one would prefer more information on the candidates so that I may make the best choice possible. Yes, this revelation supports my contentions all along so it is no hardship.
Yet to wish as you did that we voters remain in ignorance to soothe your prejudice is beneath you. That's what your comments amounted to: withholding information to confirm judgements made without information/evidence. Or in other words, don't let the facts influence our opinion. Choosing to do this for one's own opinion is delusional. Choosing to do that for others without their knowledge or consent is a violation of trust at the very least and clearly shoving one's self interest ahead of everyone else's.
Which is pretty much what our elites have been doing to us that sparked all this support for Trump to begin with.