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Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.

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Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by PeterZ   » Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:35 pm

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gcomeau wrote:
PeterZ wrote:That is truly at issue here. Lack of trustworthiness. Its not just the right that don't believe no criminal activity occurred.

But it is only the right that uses the suspicion of criminal activity on Clinton's behalf as a rationalization for overlooking the certainty of criminal activity by Trump...

Its been a while, Buddy. I suppose I have to disagree. Trump is facing the results of any possible criminal activity or activity where he is financially liable. Those proceeding are being adjudicated.

Clinton's activities are not being adjudicated in any way. They appear to be excused. Not proven innocent of wrong doing, but excused whether criminal or not.

If Trump is found to be guilty of criminal activity, he goes to jail. That possibility exist for justice to be served. The same is NOT true for Clinton. The only hope for justice to be served is for someone to actually prosecute her actions and investigate any possible illegalities pertaining to her foundation.

This latter issue is more concerning to me and is being ignored.
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:53 pm


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PeterZ wrote:
gcomeau wrote:But it is only the right that uses the suspicion of criminal activity on Clinton's behalf as a rationalization for overlooking the certainty of criminal activity by Trump...

Its been a while, Buddy. I suppose I have to disagree. Trump is facing the results of any possible criminal activity or activity where he is financially liable. Those proceeding are being adjudicated.

Clinton's activities are not being adjudicated in any way. They appear to be excused. Not proven innocent of wrong doing, but excused whether criminal or not.

Ummm, they were the subject of one of the most intense scrutinies in America, they were intensively investigated by the FBI, they were poured over multiple times by Congress.

They were not just "excused". They were not brought to trial because in the opinion of the FBI investigators there was no criminal case to bring.That doesn't make her conduct excusable from other standpoints but it doesn't mean it was just ignored and hand waved away or something either.

If Trump is found to be guilty of criminal activity, he goes to jail.

You know better.

He almost certainly pays some slap on the wrist fine that is less than whatever financial benefit he received from engaging in that activity in the first place, shakes it off, and keeps going like nothing happened.
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by PeterZ   » Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:02 pm

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gcomeau wrote:
Ummm, they were the subject of one of the most intense scrutinies in America, they were intensively investigated by the FBI, they were poured over multiple times by Congress.

They were not just "excused". They were not brought to trial because in the opinion of the FBI investigators there was no criminal case to bring.That doesn't make her conduct excusable from other standpoints but it doesn't mean it was just ignored and hand waved away or something either.

If Trump is found to be guilty of criminal activity, he goes to jail.

You know better.

He almost certainly pays some slap on the wrist fine that is less than whatever financial benefit he received from engaging in that activity in the first place, shakes it off, and keeps going like nothing happened.

If the fines are the punishment, then justice is served. If more punishment is required for those sorts of infractions, increase the punishment. I'm ok with either.

I don't believe the FBI did an exhaustive investigation. Too much of their investigation reports Congress has requested to see have been redacted to conclude anything about the investigation without taking someone's word for it. Too much mischaracterizing the truth going on for me to be comfortable with that. I seriously doubt we will persuade the other on this issue. I hope you are doing well.
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:17 pm


Posts: 2747
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PeterZ wrote:If the fines are the punishment, then justice is served. If more punishment is required for those sorts of infractions, increase the punishment. I'm ok with either.

I don't believe the FBI did an exhaustive investigation. Too much of their investigation reports Congress has requested to see have been redacted to conclude anything about the investigation without taking someone's word for it. Too much mischaracterizing the truth going on for me to be comfortable with that. I seriously doubt we will persuade the other on this issue. I hope you are doing well.

Well enough, I'm mostly trying to just ignore this entire election in order to preserve the last shreds of my faith in humanity...
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by PeterZ   » Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:20 pm

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gcomeau wrote:
PeterZ wrote:If the fines are the punishment, then justice is served. If more punishment is required for those sorts of infractions, increase the punishment. I'm ok with either.

I don't believe the FBI did an exhaustive investigation. Too much of their investigation reports Congress has requested to see have been redacted to conclude anything about the investigation without taking someone's word for it. Too much mischaracterizing the truth going on for me to be comfortable with that. I seriously doubt we will persuade the other on this issue. I hope you are doing well.

Well enough, I'm mostly trying to just ignore this entire election in order to preserve the last shreds of my faith in humanity...

You too! I hope you succeed.
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by RedBaron   » Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:15 am


It doesn't matter WHICH candidate you support - ALL of you act like the cabal in FoD that wanted all charges against Young dropped! You couldn't care less about what's good for our country, and the fact is that NEITHER candidate is a good choice. BOTH of them have stated that they will put a foreign country before the country and people they are supposed to serve.

I swear, you people have learned NOTHING from reading the Honor Harrington series. :roll:
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by Daryl   » Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:49 am

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As someone from outside I do agree.
Two bad choices out of 310M. You do need to sort out your political system
I think that Clinton is the lesser bad choice. Mind you if either candidate has really significantly broken the law and is not being charged, you are screwed, and ultimately so are we out siders.

RedBaron wrote:It doesn't matter WHICH candidate you support - ALL of you act like the cabal in FoD that wanted all charges against Young dropped! You couldn't care less about what's good for our country, and the fact is that NEITHER candidate is a good choice. BOTH of them have stated that they will put a foreign country before the country and people they are supposed to serve.

I swear, you people have learned NOTHING from reading the Honor Harrington series. :roll:
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by PeterZ   » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:10 am

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RedBaron wrote:It doesn't matter WHICH candidate you support - ALL of you act like the cabal in FoD that wanted all charges against Young dropped! You couldn't care less about what's good for our country, and the fact is that NEITHER candidate is a good choice. BOTH of them have stated that they will put a foreign country before the country and people they are supposed to serve.

I swear, you people have learned NOTHING from reading the Honor Harrington series. :roll:

As mentioned up thread, I want both candidates tried for their actions as is warranted. Trump is being tried. Clinton has evaded. She is very good at that.

I didn't choose either candidate, but that is the choice I have to work with. Clinton has proven she is a mendacious grifter. Trump a bombastic carnival huckster. Trump seems the best alternative because if fo no other reason all the foreign progressives prefer Clinton.

So stick your chiding where the sun doesn't shine and deal with the world we live in.
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by Daryl   » Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:28 pm

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Frankly Peter that is the most illogical reasoning I've seen in a while. I personally am concerned by the thought of Trump being commander in chief of the US military, and to admit my prejudices he personifies the "Ugly American" we all run into while traveling. Most US citizens abroad are good interesting people, but there often seems to be one loud brash person loudly sprouting their ignorance.

PeterZ wrote:
RedBaron wrote:It doesn't matter WHICH candidate you support - ALL of you act like the cabal in FoD that wanted all charges against Young dropped! You couldn't care less about what's good for our country, and the fact is that NEITHER candidate is a good choice. BOTH of them have stated that they will put a foreign country before the country and people they are supposed to serve.

I swear, you people have learned NOTHING from reading the Honor Harrington series. :roll:

As mentioned up thread, I want both candidates tried for their actions as is warranted. Trump is being tried. Clinton has evaded. She is very good at that.

I didn't choose either candidate, but that is the choice I have to work with. Clinton has proven she is a mendacious grifter. Trump a bombastic carnival huckster. Trump seems the best alternative because if fo no other reason all the foreign progressives prefer Clinton.

So stick your chiding where the sun doesn't shine and deal with the world we live in.
Re: Duckk said take Mrs Clinton\not in jail here.
Post by PeterZ   » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:11 pm

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I am sure there as many brash Aussies as Americans spouting their ignorance or at least what appears to be ignorance to the foreign listener. You folks do have a rep of being loud as well as Americans. Here you do, anyway.

My point was that foreign progressives have such a different mindset that disagreeing with them as a rule of thumb often proves to be a good idea after I have considered the issue. Of course progressives will reflexively disagree with me as well and be glad they did after further consideration.

You have often said you don't understand how American conservatives think, Daryl. The same is true in reverse. The issue with Trump is that given the s**t sandwich we've been given, Trump is better than the mendacious grafter. Foreign progressives will disagree, so what? Its our country and if you have issues with whomever we choose to govern our country, tough cookies. If the mendacious grafter wins, I can complain 'cause I voted.

Daryl wrote:Frankly Peter that is the most illogical reasoning I've seen in a while. I personally am concerned by the thought of Trump being commander in chief of the US military, and to admit my prejudices he personifies the "Ugly American" we all run into while traveling. Most US citizens abroad are good interesting people, but there often seems to be one loud brash person loudly sprouting their ignorance.

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