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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Zipwitch » Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:07 pm | |
Posts: 1
I created an account specifically to post on Harahap and his killer nanites or lack therof. And then I see there's a whole thread about him, and them.
While it wasn't spelled out with i's dotten and t's crossed, it seemed pretty clear to me that: 1) Isabel rushed him back into the field without the suicide nannies, planning to get them in on his next visit. 2) After the destruction of the Gamma Center, everyone else assumed he already had them. |
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Louis R » Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:26 pm | |
Louis R
Posts: 1298
That doesn't make you any less welcome, though. Come in! the first [virtual] pint is on the house.
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Vince » Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:14 pm | |
Posts: 1574
Actually the nanites killed Lajos at the precise moment that Lajos decided to spill the beans and attempted to tell Cachat about the Onion. Italics are the author's, boldface is my emphasis. What do you think are the odds of the nanites activating due to not receiving their ping at precisely the time Lajos attempts to confess, given how ruthless the Mesan Alignment is (keep in mind that Lajos was a Mesan Alignment gamma line, and had previously distinguished himself to the Alignment in Torch of Freedom)? -------------------------------------------------------------
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes. |
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Somtaaw » Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:23 pm | |
Posts: 1204
I think it's certainly possible, he didn't really say anything after all. And it wasn't the phrase, because the MacBryde brothers offered and discussed onions in their sandwiches constantly [drove their mother berserk, because polite people don't offer each other onions apparently]. And emotionally, he hadn't really shifted to something that a generic program could examine and suddenly decide "he must be spilling the secrets that cannot be spilled.... KILL HIM!" It's just one of those happy coincidences, that if we use the quote from, I think the Prince Roger We Few
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Vince » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:15 pm | |
Posts: 1574
But what are the odds of it being a coincidence? And the Prince Roger book quote is about improbable things happening in real life (which occasionally do happen), but the Honorverse is fiction (and a fiction writer almost never has improbable things happen, because it risks breaking the willing suspension of belief of the reader--unless they are using a trope that relies on it, like the cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time). History, in contrast to fiction, does have examples of improbable things happening, but history readers don't suspend their belief before reading history. -------------------------------------------------------------
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes. |
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Somtaaw » Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:28 pm | |
Posts: 1204
Bout a million to one odds that he just happened to try to spill the beans when the nanite suicide program reached the "critical mass" time after the last signal was received (keep in mind, Cachat did bury him in a signal proof cellar for a couple days, that helped reach the critical mass). And the Roger quote about the coincidence, was when Rog and Nimashet were trying to get it on, and Julian was being a scumbag monitoring their vitals. I'll find that segment shortly Edit: Sorry, was right near the end of March to the Stars
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by WeirdlyWired » Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:28 am | |
Posts: 487
So, line not finished, therefore my weirdly wired brain fills in the rest of the quote "... deep enough in it to be evacuated." he begins to beat up on his not-so-huge-or-fragile ego. nanites run through decision tree, stop at "use it or use it" and activate out of (A) Self protection from the bruising from the ego-kicking or (B) out of pity/compassion. Can't be the huge revelation that a gamma was not fully into the core of the onion. SCENARIO Deux: I am not willing to die for them but you already know that. nanites ... decision tree ... activate for confession of apostasy. SCENARIO TROIS: "thinl Collin Detweiller is one of them. This is the only thing he could possibly reveal that is not already known. so chances of nanites being coincidental Someone speaking ex cathedra hath proclaimed it not a coincidence. my impression was 75-25 against he was going to reveal some great secret. He didn't know anything except Isabel Bardassano and Collin Detweiler Helas,chou, Je m'en fache.
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Michael Everett » Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:12 am | |
Michael Everett
Posts: 2619
Bolding mine. The Detweilers carefully arranged it so that the entire galaxy thinks that they're dead. Just having someone say that they're not, combined with their Early Mesa history and the reputation that their family had would be enough to trigger a massive witch-hunt for them. And they know this. Had Lajos tried to tell Cachat about the Detweiler family still being alive, the nanites would have activated as soon as he made the decision. After all, the Detweilers want the universe to believe that they're extinct right up to the point that they can declare "checkmate" on the universe and sweep the board. But it's more likely that he was going to say something about the Mesan Alignment to Cachat, which would still be enough to trigger the suicide protocols. ~~~~~~
I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork. (Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC! ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995 |
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by Brigade XO » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:46 pm | |
Brigade XO
Posts: 3192
How complicated can the Alignment make these nanites? At this point you are practicaly attributting them with being sentient beings who have a gigantic range of options and INFER from what someone is saying that they are going to spil critical details of THE PLAN so fast that they kill their host--AND THEMSELVES-- just before said host can spill the beans.
You might as well decide that the Alignment has uploaded THE PLAN into the nanites and it is they that will take over everything, managing the various Star Lines and Darius going forward. That is so far beyond the scope what could be possible it really isn't worth talking about. |
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Re: SPOILER_ Damien Harahap | |
by JohnRoth » Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:45 pm | |
Posts: 2438
Apparently you haven't dealt with enough conspiracy theorists. If anyone cared about the Detweillers, which they probably don't, there would be Detweiller sightings all over. Even on slices of toast. |
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