I would like to here from you, what your favorite ships are and why?
break them down into categories:
01)"A" - Ancient (oars as primary propulsion - galleys, triremes etc.)
02)"S" - Sail (as primary propulsion)
03)"I" - Iron Clad (mid 1800s - include unarmored steam ships with no sails or as backup and armored ships with sail)
04)"P" - Pre-dreadnought era (Late 1800s-1905)
05)"D" - Dreadnought era (WWI - including pre-Washington/London treaties i.e. Colorado etc.)
06)"W" - Interwar & WWII
07)"M" - Modern (post WWII - missile/jet era)
._._._._"M1" - (early) USS "Albany" (missile cruiser conversion), British "County"
._._._._"M2" - (late) "Ticonderoga"-class, Japanese "Atago"-class
08)"X" - Sci-fi
09)"C" - Civilian
10)"V" - Airship
You can include officially (comes from a published book - Jane's, Conway's etc.) projected ships that were canceled such as:
W-Montana class - the super-Iowas with 4 turrets that were canceled in WWII.