Louis R wrote:While technically true, simple kinematics shows that the rocks would have to be _very_ big. I ran the numbers a while back [and posted them, IIRC], the last time this came up. A typical de-orbit velocity gives you a KE of ~12.5 MJ/kg. IOW, you need a 1000 tonne rock to get a kiloton yield. A rock that big has to be very precisely shaped and of very uniform composition to be of any value as a precision weapon. Otherwise ablation and tumbling leave you with a CEP in the km range, unless you're shooting straight down - which you can't do by just de-orbiting the rock - in which case it drops to [as a WAG] a few tens of meters.
If the OBS is being used for the intended purpose, how much precision does it need?
If Clyntahn got control of the OBS, for example, he'd be happy to take out Tellesberg and everything for several hundred miles around it, and would have no problem with saturation bombing to do it.