Dilandu wrote:ChronicRder wrote:
At this point what does either the Harchong Navy or NoG have that can intercept a fleet that tries to land troops on West Haven? Do they have troops/forts that are even staged to counter such a move?
Hm. Mines?
The Charisians already basically tell Church everything they need to know about landmines. It wouldn't really be hard for Church to comprehend the idea of naval mines as well (the way to battlefield rockets was much more complicated)
Mines are a solution, but they'd have to have something on the waves to deploy them. Mines would also only buy them time, it wouldn't stop an invasion. At best, it'd buy the Church time, but time to do what? With what? Unless their MH can break out of the mountains in the Border States, they cant do anything except react. There's there the original question of deployment. Do they have minelayers, either purpose built or re-outfitted for carrying and deploying mines? Then, are those minelayers in position to begin doing so before those other 2 ironclads show up?