RazorBat wrote:However all of you are forgetting that Merlin and the alliance will eventually come clean at some point after the power of Mother Church is broken and separated into independent church groups. Then there will be the Enlightenment (full history of mankind and the Gaba) to Safehold at some point after that. So again there will be nothing that smacks of greater powers for the general population to reexam after the fact. Currently the envelope of human acceptance has been constantly expanded and accepted as the church follows in developing tech, but things completely outside the current expanded experience will be very problematic. I'd should make this more concise, but I don't have time right now. Sorry for typos.
There should be relatively long period of preparation, to avoid the total social collapse. The "well, we told them the truth" thing would not be a good excuse, if the Safehold civilization would shatter into the total chaos. Currently even the Charis isn't prepared to the truth.