Randomiser wrote:Also since when did Maigwair share his private sources of information on the Inquisition with Duchairn? That's a lot more co-operation not to mention trust than we have seen before.
They've been growing steadily closer for several books.
Duchairn thinks Clyntahn is leading Mother Church to ruin and taking Safehold with it. Magwair thinks Clyntahn is leading the Jihad to ruin, and both have already bluntly
told Clyntahn Mother Church could
lose the Jihad. Clyntahn still assumes God and the Archangels will come to the rescue, and meanwhile, Zion is firmly under the Inquisition's thumb, and Clyntahn has already directly threatened
them if they don't toe his line.
You can just bet they are talking to each other. Trynair is too terrified of Clyntahn to make a peep, and is effectively no longer a factor. It's Clyntahn against Duchairn and Magwair, and they want to live through it. They have the best incentive in the world to share information.