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Thank you, David

In the breaks in his writing schedule, David has promised to stop by and chat for a while!
Thank you, David
Post by fmfmedic   » Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:34 am


Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:06 am

I've been reading constantly for the last 55 years, and have discovered a few authors whose books I find good enough to read over and over again. You are one of them.

I was reading in your bio about art and writing and your comment on being a storyteller struck a keen note. Have you ever read Louis L'Amore? He also described himself as a storyteller, and your writing styles are very similar. Different genre, of course, but I have all of his books, and also all of yours.

I picked up Insurrection when it first came out in paperback, and still have it (sadly worn now). Since then I have bought every one of yours as soon as they came out in paperback (I don't have room for 3 or 4 hundred hardbacks!).

You are a great writer, and I thank you for so many hours of entertainment and quite a few new ideas and ways of looking at life and reality.

Do you think you can get Tor to publish the "How firm a Foundation" sooner than next fall? That's a long time to wait in anticipation! Of course, I had to wait as long as two years between books from Robert Jordan, and longer for Jane Auel, but still, that's a long time! Do you have anything else coming out that I can read to kill the time?
Re: Thank you, David
Post by kbus888   » Tue May 17, 2011 11:32 pm

Vice Admiral

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Location: Eastern Canada

Hi fmfmedic

Personally, I fill in the time between DW books by re-reading the ones I have ;)
..//* *\\

Love is a condition in which
the happiness of another
is essential to your own. - R Heinlein

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